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View Full Version : Crank position sensor. How cause inermittent stumble????

Gene in NC
06-26-2009, 10:41 AM
Crank position sensor How cause intermittent stumble????

Some reports that replacing CPS solves intermittent stumble/stall problems in '89 525 and maybe others.

Logical that CPS failure causes no start/run. But, how does it cause intermittents.

06-26-2009, 03:28 PM
Crank position sensor How cause intermittent stumble????

Some reports that replacing CPS solves intermittent stumble/stall problems in '89 525 and maybe others.

Logical that CPS failure causes no start/run. But, how does it cause intermittents.

The CPS like an ABS wheel sensor just works by means of a small current being created by a chunk of metal moving past an arrangement of magnets and a coil. You can use a DMM to check them out but unfortunately it isnt infalliable. If the CPS doesnt send a trigger signal to the ECU you wont get a spark.