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View Full Version : WAYYY O/T but left me speachless...

02-13-2009, 10:54 AM

Unfortunately, it is not a story in the Feb joke thread...


02-13-2009, 11:05 AM

Unfortunately, it is not a story in the Feb joke thread...


I have started a church course and I am going to do work experience helping other young mums.

Job sorted then. No worries

02-13-2009, 11:37 AM
I have started a church course and I am going to do work experience helping other young mums.

Job sorted then. No worries

Argh, this is just so WRONG - doesnt it class as statutory rape in this country (12 and 14 at the time)?
I'm quite surprised they've not had it confiscated already :(

PS: Welcome to the standards we have in the UK. Do my eyes decieve me or is she called chantelle? Explains a lot that does :/

02-13-2009, 11:45 AM
Argh, this is just so WRONG - doesnt it class as statutory rape in this country (12 and 14 at the time)?
I'm quite surprised they've not had it confiscated already :(

PS: Welcome to the standards we have in the UK. Do my eyes decieve me or is she called chantelle? Explains a lot that does :/

I think statutory rape is only if one of them is 18 and the other is a minor (in the US at least). This is just kids going at it. Oddly enough, I think one can be seventeen and the other five and it doesn't count as statutory. What a crazy system. Laws are goofy.

02-13-2009, 12:32 PM
Argh, this is just so WRONG - doesnt it class as statutory rape in this country (12 and 14 at the time)?
I'm quite surprised they've not had it confiscated already :(

PS: Welcome to the standards we have in the UK. Do my eyes decieve me or is she called chantelle? Explains a lot that does :/

Help me understand how their pictures (of all three minors involved) are published in the paper...I thought it was illegal to take pictures of kids playing in the park, even your own.

In the U.S., kids' identities are proctected by the major news outlets as they are seen as too young to authorize release...

Contributing to the deliquency of two minors for the girls' parents since the boy 'spent the night [at the girl's house] regularly.' Somebody has to be the responsible party in this sad tale...


02-13-2009, 12:55 PM
I don't knoe if it is really possible. I don't think boys that young has viable sperms.

02-13-2009, 01:43 PM
You need a consent form signed by parents of children under 18 before photographs are taken. No doubt the parents gave their consent - the papers will have offered them some cash. The law works like this:
A boy who has sex with a girl under 16 (17 in NI) is breaking the law. Even if she agrees. If she is 13-15, the boy could go to prison for two years.
If she is under 13 he could be sentenced to life imprisonment.
A girl age 16 or over who has sex with a boy under 16 can be prosecuted for indecent assault.
These two are so young and close together in age the cops probably wont bother. The social services will have been round and if they are satisfied nothing will happen - except a load of agencies will be on the doorstep offering advice and help - like young mum's clubs, parenting skills, how to get benefits etc. And before you ask, this is 'er idoors's field of expertise - not mine.
On a postive note though, mum dad and the kid can all play with the same toys

02-13-2009, 03:16 PM
On a postive note though, mum dad and the kid can all play with the same toys

Ha ha ha LOL! :D

Blitzkrieg Bob
02-13-2009, 03:32 PM
I don't knoe if it is really possible. I don't think boys that young has viable sperms.

I know that it would take just one look at chantelle and my sperm would become non viable:p

02-13-2009, 07:03 PM
Meh those kids aren't going to have any fun in their lives for a long time. Right when they should be having fun. Sucks to be them.

02-14-2009, 09:21 AM
I am appalled that any of you believe this

02-14-2009, 10:17 AM
I am appalled that any of you believe this

If it was just the Sun, you might have a point Ross. But its also in the Times, Guardian and Telegraph which are serious papers. Unlike Morse, I am unable to rattle off the Times crossword in ten minutes:(

02-14-2009, 11:46 AM
I am appalled that any of you believe this

I read it on the internet, it has to be true!:p

Seriously, do you think the real 'daddy' to this baby is the mother's father? (Insert favorite West Virginia or Tennesse joke here!).

Or have I made the common mistake for expecting some level of fact-checking from a well-known news source?

We are all ready to be enlightened...


02-14-2009, 06:58 PM
I read it on the internet, it has to be true!:p

Seriously, do you think the real 'daddy' to this baby is the mother's father? (Insert favorite West Virginia or Tennesse joke here!).

Or have I made the common mistake for expecting some level of fact-checking from a well-known news source?

We are all ready to be enlightened...

I cant hear duelling banjos. This kid isnt the youngest father in the UK either. Facts are as stated in the papers I mentioned. I'd be more than slightly surprised if the BBC got it wrong too. Andy (Ferret) may have forgotten how to bleed an M50 (another site) but when he mentions the kid is called Chantelle he isnt half wrong

02-15-2009, 04:21 PM
The link says it all. No doubt they have forward bookings on Jeremy Kyle's programme :(


Spice Boy
02-17-2009, 06:48 AM
Nothing surprises me here in the UK anymore...

However, it doesnt make it right!

1 good thing, BOTH parents are supporting them... although prevention should of been the main act...

This is a good example of 1 of my favourite sayings...

'Its easier to get forgivness than permission...'

02-17-2009, 12:02 PM
The link says it all. No doubt they have forward bookings on Jeremy Kyle's programme :(


So who here lets boys 'spend the night in [your daughter's] bed.'

'I just missed one pill.' I think there were a couple more missed pills...

I vote for giving her Dad the 'Dumbest Dad of the Year' award.

Will the child protective services get involved to the point of removing the kids from the home? What a mess. I am almost sorry I brought this sorry affair up...


02-17-2009, 12:40 PM
Will the child protective services get involved to the point of removing the kids from the home?

I think that is highly unlikely. And if you read this article you will see the parents have a very good reason for making sure the kids stay put: money. They have even hired a PR guru! I dont have shares in the Telegraph but it sums the situation up very well indeed:
