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View Full Version : Who are the freakin moderators?

632 Regal
10-25-2005, 11:59 PM
somehow some way I hate to admit it but we need to have a stickyof common maintenance items... I mean we have ricer folks scoring on BMWs with no clue that maintenance = longevity. also we need bleeding procedures...maybe we dont and we dont need these ricer turned BMW people but we should at least give them half a chance at experiencing what we do on a daily basis which is far from ricer fields. My pc wont let me edit this unless I delete and retype it all so deal with the spelling.

anyone have a clue as to what im trying to say here?

I dont mind repeating that if you stick your fingers in the fan and it's good youll lose them, or if you smell gas under the hood and look with a lighter you may get fried...its the mondane maintenance issues that the mass doesnt have a clue about.

dammit.... thats my story and im gonna try to post this to the mods that arent around to witness it.

10-26-2005, 12:02 AM
somehow some way I hate to admit it but we need to have a stickyof common maintenance items... I mean we have ricer folks scoring on BMWs with no clue that maintenance = longevity. also we need bleeding procedures...maybe we dont and we dont need these ricer turned BMW paeople but we shouls at least give them half a chance at experiencing what we do on a daily basis which is far from ricer fields. My pc wont let me edit this unless I delete and retype it all so deal with the spelling.

anyone have a clue as to what im trying to say here?

I dont mind repeating that if you stich your fingers in the fan and it's good youll lose them, or if you smell gas under the hood and look with a lighter you may get fried...its the mondane maintenance issues that the mass doesnt have a clue about.

dammit.... thats my story and im gonna try to post this to the mods that arent around to witness it.
You're kidding right?

10-26-2005, 12:04 AM
I wish I had MOD powers.

d00d to the rescue!

632 Regal
10-26-2005, 12:14 AM
NO IM NOT kidding.... it was fun when answering the common secrets to the BMW like the battery under the seat but when you get 20 people within a 2 month period wondering why their **** messes up cause they are over heating and or rebuilt their **** but have no clue what bleeding even means we are having problems.

We are at a cataclismo (word?) of non worthy folks breaking all our reserve backup parts cars man! I dont want to see them all crushed cause of retardsness cause we need their crap sooner or later.

maybe too much vodka?

hats off to Nikolai.

This is my neighborhood, some neighbors dont like me but with me walking by everynight fully loaded the chances of theit wives or childeren getting hurt is almost nil ... cause I like the practice and the smell of gunpowder.

10-26-2005, 12:18 AM
somehow some way I hate to admit it but we need to have a stickyof common maintenance items... I mean we have ricer folks scoring on BMWs with no clue that maintenance = longevity. also we need bleeding procedures...maybe we dont and we dont need these ricer turned BMW people but we should at least give them half a chance at experiencing what we do on a daily basis which is far from ricer fields. My pc wont let me edit this unless I delete and retype it all so deal with the spelling.

anyone have a clue as to what im trying to say here?

I dont mind repeating that if you stick your fingers in the fan and it's good youll lose them, or if you smell gas under the hood and look with a lighter you may get fried...its the mondane maintenance issues that the mass doesnt have a clue about.

dammit.... thats my story and im gonna try to post this to the mods that arent around to witness it.WOW. Good post, well said Jeff. MOTION SECONDED... (the thread needs a poll perhaps?).

632 Regal
10-26-2005, 12:21 AM
poll this biatch...i havent even wanted to be a mod but I think im gonna run for it. If the president can cheat for votes that aint his, theres no reason that I shouldnt have a toll just cause im a post whore.

do you guys :mods" vote on **** or just post whatever you want?

call is in to Ed.

10-26-2005, 12:25 AM
Jeff as a mod? Hmm now I sure am worried for some... it will be a different place round here.

President too? With bacon grease already lubricating the way, I'm just waiting for the pork-barelling to start... :D Nick

632 Regal
10-26-2005, 12:56 AM
I cant edit my text so if its spelled wrong than so be it,

I run for mayor of the townof BimmerInfo and think I can help out.

damn i have all the qualifacations of the current president...

10-26-2005, 12:57 AM
Mod by default. i said id archive for body etc and maybe ive been a bit slow and I see your point! Yeh you should be a mod for this area u talk of, i dont think its got anything to do with votes, but folk who know what is and what is not correct and of value!!! That sounds like u to me.

Zeuk in Oz
10-26-2005, 01:03 AM
somehow some way I hate to admit it but we need to have a stickyof common maintenance items... I mean we have ricer folks scoring on BMWs with no clue that maintenance = longevity. also we need bleeding procedures...maybe we dont and we dont need these ricer turned BMW people but we should at least give them half a chance at experiencing what we do on a daily basis which is far from ricer fields. My pc wont let me edit this unless I delete and retype it all so deal with the spelling.

anyone have a clue as to what im trying to say here?

I dont mind repeating that if you stick your fingers in the fan and it's good youll lose them, or if you smell gas under the hood and look with a lighter you may get fried...its the mondane maintenance issues that the mass doesnt have a clue about.

dammit.... thats my story and im gonna try to post this to the mods that arent around to witness it.

Long live the King of Common Sense - on ya Jeff ! Moderator of the court jesters and village idiots! :D

632 Regal
10-26-2005, 01:08 AM
LMAO...without rebooting this thing I cant correct any spelling,,

just want to join with the current and modify some stuff,


vote at the other postn so ED can see im not just a juise head bur have character and justice (shhhhhh)

Zeuk in Oz
10-26-2005, 01:15 AM
I'll only vote for you if you promise to wear your Superman costume ! :D

632 Regal
10-26-2005, 02:08 AM
Dont have one of those but i can take a few stills of the slut if you would like

10-26-2005, 02:25 AM
I'll only vote for you if you promise to wear your Superman costume ! :D
Oooh goodie! Undies on the outside!!! :D

10-26-2005, 06:36 AM
I maintain the electrical archive. I spent, by my estimate, well over 30 hours paging through the 450 pages of this board looking for appropriate posts to put in the archive. When I was done, I posted a message on the main board that I'd made one pass though and was seeking comments on what was there and whether anyone recalled a 'favorite' thread that I may have over looked. I also mentioned what my criteria for selection had been, in an attempt to pre-emptively explain why what was there was there, and what isn't, isn't.

I got exactly ONE reply that basically said, 'thanks for the time you put in.', which I appreciated, but that didn't affect the archive contents or policy one bit.

So if anyone, 632regal, for example, is going to go off on a bitch, maybe it would have been a good idea for him to have put his money where his multi-thousand-post mouth is BEFORE he started ranting about how awful the archives are.

The names of the moderators are posted at the bottom of the main forum page. Did any of you complainers make ANY attempt at all to contact any of them, or do you just want to complain?

Thought so.

Bimmer Nut Ed
10-26-2005, 07:59 AM
Being a moderator is not a big deal. The group of moderators I've recently added can only move threads to the archive forums. It's not like they can delete or edit posts or threads. These moderators are only helping to organize data into respective reference forums. And I'd like to thank them. Looks like some good work is being done. Thanks Guys and Gal.

10-26-2005, 08:13 AM
somehow some way I hate to admit it but we need to have a stickyof common maintenance items... I mean we have ricer folks scoring on BMWs with no clue that maintenance = longevity. also we need bleeding procedures...maybe we dont and we dont need these ricer turned BMW people but we should at least give them half a chance at experiencing what we do on a daily basis which is far from ricer fields.

Mr. 632 Regal--You mean my car needs maintenance?

Is ricer an ethnic slur? Ricer is not a word we use here in Toyoko.

10-26-2005, 11:58 AM
can't find a reference to 'Toyoko' anywhere, do you mean Toyota ?

10-26-2005, 12:24 PM
Mr. 632 Regal--You mean my car needs maintenance?

Is ricer an ethnic slur? Ricer is not a word we use here in Toyoko.
Toyoko????? There's a little clue Jeff. She's not from Tokyo! LOL!!

632 Regal
10-26-2005, 01:03 PM
who said ANYTHING about the archives that you or anyone worked on?

You make it sound like this some personal attack on you, it isn't. You dont even post a name to go with your SRR2 title so why would you even think this?

I'm sure you spent a lot of time archiving the electrical posts but if you did it for the glory you made a mistake.

Each of us here contributes to the forum in one way or another. I just happen to have a computer thats online at home and work and do check frequently so I guess that might be why I have a couple more posts than you do.

I don't claim to make a living at repairing BMS's or other foreign cars BUT I have been here for a while along with a few others and try to help when I can with the knowledge I learned from others experiences.

I don't claim to be 100% right at any time and have been corrected, the wrong replies are probably from others posting wrong information which is something that happens time to time.

This is an area that I try my best to help as soon as possible....like when someone posts a question they are probably in the middle of a project they need an answer ASAP not 3 days later. I have helped people around the world and walked some through a project or other. I helped someone in the middle of the desert (Dubai) in the middle of the night with chat to get them on the road some 200+ miles away from their home... cant get that at the local parts store can you?

So if anyone, 632regal, for example, is going to go off on a bitch, maybe it would have been a good idea for him to have put his money where his multi-thousand-post mouth is BEFORE he started ranting about how awful the archives are.

Did any of you complainers make ANY attempt at all to contact any of them, or do you just want to complain?

Thought so.

10-26-2005, 02:29 PM

Jeff.....time for your MEDS!


10-26-2005, 03:25 PM
If I get your drift (not sure if I do), then maybe the deal would be to have a post for "things that often go wrong" like the one on Bruno's site, only perhaps with more detail, so novices (like me) can go there and easily find the best quality posts on common and recurring problems, common service procedures (bleeding, for example), and really useful pictures - like Shogun's jacking points photo. Something like that could make the forum a bit more user friendly, though the archives do pretty much the same thing - I'm not sure they are used properly or enough. But, a separate archive for basics might reduce the posting of smart ass remarks, which I really enjoy.

632 Regal
10-26-2005, 04:45 PM

a separate archive for basics might reduce the posting of smart ass remarks, which I really enjoy.

This is really a user friendly board...most of the time that is.

did I mention thios keboard sux?

10-26-2005, 07:24 PM
I would like to add a serious note to all this frivolity. Having you as a moderator would be great. I am not sure if that solves the problem cause I am not sure I understand what the problem is. You were not at your most articulate when you described the problem.

Having read all of both threads, all I can determine is that you are concerned that newbies are not doing basic maintence. Is that the extent of your concern? If so, we could put a sticky with the link to maintence page of Bruno's site. We could give everyone a quiz on chapter one of the Bentley or even the recommended service from the manual.

From your posts that I have read to various thread over the last month, I am under the impression that you are concerned that people are getting bad advice. I am also under the impression that you are concerned with the general level of cluelessness has increased exponentially (my contingent--the clueless) and that you may be raising some wider problem associated with the large number of newbies.

I get the idea that you envision a swat team of people who actually know something who would be checking in often to help the desperate and stranded newbies--like we could clone you--Jeff's automotive angels.

I am doing a lot of reading between the lines and putting 2 and 2 together and getting 10. But I also hear more than the average number of peoples opinions in private messages probably because I am the only woman here. Based on behind the scenes communication, I think you are the tip of an iceberg of feeling that is more widely shared.

Jeff I think you may be addressing a wider problem about how people feel about the number of new people. I am not complaining about the number of new people. I am just barely out of the new category myself. And I am grateful to be here.

I just think we should get a good understanding/definition of what the problem is before solving it. And if there is a problem, others besides Jeff should have noticed it.

Do others think there is some sort of problem and if so, what is it?

632 Regal
10-26-2005, 07:39 PM
basic maintence is pretty much the gist of it, we are getting more and more fresh "students" and I think some kind of link to that should suffice. Not another sticky but maybe a link in Ed's readme first post? Idonno.

I don't know how else to do it and it really frustrated me that there isnt a clear link to point them to. Basic maintenance is something that most non BMW owners dont have a clue about (myself included) and that is one of the first things that they should read...including bleeding, battery location, hubcentrics, just the basic of basics.

There are lots of people willing to help the rest but when someone new has a quick common question there should simply be a link for them instead of having to wait for an answer...after all their new and think this is Burger World where all ya do is push some magic button...which is what we need to develop.

The problem with the search tool is say "a bleeding question"...which they probably never heard about, they can search and not get a definitive answer. Without providing a direct link to Bruno's site I know we have that informationhere in our own words.

I really hate when I can't clearly describe what I'm trying to say, I hope this sheds some light.

PS this post took about 15 minutes with this stupid keyboard, think I need a light too.

10-26-2005, 07:40 PM
nothing ethnic, it's a varly common term here that usually describes the backwards hat honda driver with a hollow'd out tree stump exhaust tip and lotsa stickers but no real substance, the kinda person that buys one of those kits that makes the farty sound of a turbo wastegate for his stock non turbo econo box

Is ricer an ethnic slur? Ricer is not a word we use here in Toyoko.

10-26-2005, 07:42 PM
I see they added a new one today!

10-26-2005, 07:46 PM
I see they added a new one today!
Congratulations Jeff! All that campaigning paid off. LOL!!!

10-26-2005, 08:07 PM
I see they added a new one today!Yes it will continue unabated until someone starts treating our illness. As I said earlier, I applaud Jeff's decision to rev this up a bit, it threatens the board as we all hang aorund the main index so when it gets too polluted with n00bs asking what has all been covered and needing training on all the little things most of us have to learn the hard-way, the good people will stop reading, or at least miss things (happening now) which will destroy the very value we all cherish so much and know this board provides. Some members will just get bored and that is the downward road to a slow death.

This is why action must be taken

Short term- Mods, we need good mods (an election is not necessary, the Ed will have a good idea as to who- and can mail people he thinks might be able to exercise the responsibility to carry out the task) and leave it up to them. I might warn you all he will probably want to establish some rules governing how mods will act... :)

But long term, the board needs resources. Every BMW related site someone builds provides resources, but these are individual efforts. We need to build a community site that everyone can contribute and that will become a beacon of Bimmerness from this 2005 on. Everything else (BMWE34.net included) will only last for so long.... we need somehting maintained by the community that will go on forever.

For that matter, what if Ed dropped off the planet? Who would look after the board? Our only hope would be that a friend would save the day and sort it all out before the whole community disappears. There are risks with building such great resources, they are not all just disaster related. They easily outgrow themselves without good planning and people move on.

I've no idea if the all singing, all dancing, new improved Jeff would be a good mod. There is a lot to doing it that he may not realise, even within this community... but perhaps he should be given a go. I just know I wouldn't make a good mod.

Jeff sure has a point on this issue and I commend it.

Thanks also to Gayle for trying to distill the need, which we must surely do to get the right outcome. Thanks also to those librarians ('mods') that have spent all their time cataloging posts into the archives, I've done 2 searches and have been hella impressed so far!

That is thankless, behind the scenes work that you guys can notch up as being a truly GREAT contribution to the board.

They should all get a FREE sticker Jeff ;)

'bimmer.info- Vote 1 for Jeff B'

:D Nick

10-26-2005, 08:52 PM
jeff when u gonna send me a copy of teh etk?

10-26-2005, 09:48 PM
jeff when u gonna send me a copy of teh etk?Awww!! No-one told me he was giving away free copies ofthe ETK... Jeff, me too!!!

Oh, hang on... did I need to vote to qualify???

10-26-2005, 10:01 PM

I cant edit my text so if its spelled wrong than so be it,

I run for mayor of the townof BimmerInfo and think I can help out.

damn i have all the qualifacations of the current president...

Zeuk in Oz
10-27-2005, 12:30 AM
My concern is that what appears to be happening is a move to a regulated board where only authorised posters may reply to technical questions.
This potential regulation was why I was quite wary of the creation of archives in the first place. I saw nothing wrong with what we had.
Having said that I feel that the archiving has been done quite well by most and that general congratulations are in order.
What I do fear is that the archives are hard to find, especially for novices to this forum, and appear to be often missed by new posters, if their questions are any indication.
No-one should believe everything they see on the net in general or this forum in particular. I for one cannot envisage a workable system that allows for only correct answers to be posted.
I think that the "stick your head in the exhaust pipe and smell the aroma" type answers have to be tolerated along with the gems from Bill R, Shogun, Whit etc.
I agree with Genphreak that we need to create a data base of useful info but how to filter every post and reply is beyond me.
If Jeff wants to try, then as far as I am concerned let him try, but it is a massive undertaking.
In effect I suppose I am trying to say that the labour intensity of any control or regulation is nigh impossible, in my opinion.
If a fix is required at all, I would prefer to see a system where novices are led through a series of pages instructing them on the use of the forum.

Sorry for the sermon, but my 2c.

10-27-2005, 12:45 AM
Oh ya Zeuk, you're on the money, except I don't think Jeff is thinking of handling the massive reforms you speak of... just limiting the background noise a bit. I am sure he's well qualified... except that pic of the chicken really belongs in a "kill KFC" campaign... actually I suspect he is carrying out some home-grown bird-flu experiement.

There's a thought you know... could an e34 could run on powdered chicken carcasses... mmm...

Zeuk in Oz
10-27-2005, 01:08 AM
There's a thought you know... could an e34 could run on powdered chicken carcasses... mmm...

LOL - they would go faster if they had been cooked with the extra - spicey recipe ! :D

10-27-2005, 01:12 AM
LOL - they would go faster if they had been cooked with the extra - spicey recipe ! :Danyone seen a dry-fuel FPR perhaps? Perhaps coal dust injectors would retrofit... not sure about the fuel pumps...