I am new to the forums. I currently own an e34 (92 525i) and I have been having problems concerning the oil and antifreeze.

I have always had a bit of an oil leak. I baught this product designed to help fix minor oil leaks (the product says it helps by reconditioning the gaskets...) and after using the product the leak was down to a minimum, maybe like 3 drops every night. WELL, we got some snwo down here recently and ever since it got cold my oil leak has gotten VERY bad. After checking I concluded that the oil only leaks serverly when the car is running. The leak is bad, im talking like 5 drips per second. I went under my car and the oil seems like it is coming from above the oilpan, I cannot tell very well, but it is dripping down the driver's side of the oil pan.

I also have a sporadic antifreeze leak. Everyonce and awhile i will go outside and there will be a pool of antifreeze on the ground. I just got a new radiator last month so i have no idea where this leak is coming from since it is so sporadic. I am more worried about this oil leak, though.

If anyone could help diagnose this oil leak I would be VERY appreciative. I thought at first that it was the oil pan gasket, but if it was, wouldnt it leak while the car was off also?

Thank you so much for any replies, and sorry for the long post!