I have been looking at this as a reason for using a quart of oil every 800-900 miles. I began looking into replacing it and so far think it involves removing the left valve cover at least. Also suggested was the removal of the Oil Filter Housing which is right in front of that valve cover.

Wondering if the left upper Timing Chain Cover would have to come off as well. I've seen an image of the part seated in behind the Timing Chains. I've found reference to its removal in the Bentley under Head Removal and it just says lift it out as part of the removal proceedure so I guess I could just follow that proceedure.

has anyone been down there either to specifically replace this part or torn the M60B40 apart to perhaps replace the timing chain guide rail or tenstioner who will comment? Thanks.

The one shop I contacted about doing this told me the Engine needed to come out... I don't see what he means .