I'll start by saying that if it has more than two wheels, I'm lost around...how do you say...Bimmers.

With that, I'm considering diving into my first. Kindly refrain from throwing heavy objects when I say that I have in the past been, er, spoiled, by the lavishings of quattro drivetrains. It's almost impossible to go back to a completely open rear wheel drive once you have, but I'd really like to get into a 525it. I know there are those that have traction control, but the only one I've found (that I can afford) alas does not.

So being that traction control (not the power cutting type), is pretty much an over-programmed abs, is it feasible to upgrade or convert? Or, dare I ask, convert to an ix given their seemingly simple approach of adding a transfer case and diff?

Pardon my ignorance. At least attach helpful answers before throwing.

