Wow! I spent several hours cruising around this sight looking for info on my recently purchased '93 525i sedan.....the fuel pump went out after a few weeks of driving and now I have the radio code issue....nothing in glove box or on purchase papers and I got all the info about getting serial number off of radio back and calling dealership to get code. Was excited to go out and pull radio, got some allen wrenches and hex and needle nose pliers...BUT BUT BUT where are these two little screws that need to come loose? It is the stock dolby stereo and one place I found here said they were located "beneath the two little side doors on either side of the radio". Side doors? Hmmmmm, there are no little doors on my radio front (unless they meant the cassette door but there is nothing there either) Maybe I am focusing too much on radio face plate so I looked in, around, under all sides and knobs and I do not see any place where there are screw holes. I am going nuts without my tunes!! Helpppppppp

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