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Thread: Fusible Link Question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Glasgow, UK

    Default Fusible Link Question

    OK, so the other day I identified broken wires in the trunk area causing my central locking problems, and I've *just* wired in my new pocket pc phone for gps and charging...... driving home tonight, half watching the simpsons on my pocket pc (I know, I'm bad! ) and my car *totally* lost all power.

    I assumed it was something to do with either my trunk wiring or my gps wiring, so got my friend out to jump start me, which worked but it died again.... turns out my fusible link broke.

    So the question is, am I likely to have contributed to the fusible link breaking, or is it more likely to be a coincidence in timing? the pocket pc wiring has a 2A fuse inline on the live and it hasn't blown, so I don't see how I could be drawing too much current etc.

    I jumped out the fusible link temporarily to get me home and will sort a new one out at the weekend.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Default Suggest to remove your bypass ...

    as long as you are not watching your car. If a short circuit is there, (for example, still an un-insulated wire in the trunk harness), you may end up with a serious fire.


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