
I've recently purchased a '92 525i (done 173k miles) and was loving
it for the first week when I ran into a couple of problems ;-(
Any help and/or tips on how to diagnose further would be greatly

1. Over the past couple of days, the car has developed a knocking in
the rear of the car. This sound occurs when the car is coasting (not
under power) and is especially loud when turning (& coasting). The
noise is a kind of thumping. What are the consequences of continued

2. I bounced the rear of the car while stationary (push down on the
boot) and there is squeeking from the area around the shocks - could
this be problems with the suspension bushings or shocks or something
else? The same squeek is not discernable from inside the car while
driving, even over road humps.

3. There is a metallic clink sound which comes from the front drivers
side wheel area when I first take off. There's only one clink and
then it stops each time. Doesn't occur at any other speeds or
conditions that I'm aware of.

Any info to better diagnose these problems before I front the
mechanic would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance,