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Thread: Europeantransmissions tech bulletins

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Default Europeantransmissions tech bulletins

    Just noticed that they updated their website https://www.europeantransmissions.com/shop/ and the various good tech info disappeared which they had on the old site for transmissions, just found it again
    Transmissions ZF4HP 22/24
    4 HP 22 Electronic Transmission
    4 HP 24 E9 Quick Diagnostics
    ZF 4 HP 22 EH Valve Information
    ZF 4HP22/24 No reverse
    ZF 4 HP22/24 harsh shift
    E34 Transmission fault code
    ZF4HP22/24 front pump leak
    BMW 20 pin connector pin layout
    Transmission Specifications
    Early Version ZF 1986-88
    Late Version ZF Pin outs 88-89

    Transmissions ZF5 HP24
    XK8, V8, XJR Damaged J-Gate gasket
    5 HP24 E Diagnostic flow charts
    XJR replacing transmission input and output seals
    XK8 Replacing transmission valve body 5HP24
    XK8 checking fluid level
    XK8 selector level cable adjustment
    5 HP24 E fluid leak at bell housing

    ZF 5HP 19
    BMW 5HP19 Transmission

    GM 4L30E
    4L30E Information
    4L30 slipping 2gear
    4L30 DTC code #40
    BMW Transmission Electronics Bulletin

    ZF 5HP30
    ZF 5 HP30 NO reverse
    A5 S650z Info

    ZF 6HP19
    6 HP19Z E90 Fundamentals
    6 HP19 Diagnostic trouble Codes (DTC)
    6HP19 Transmission Range sensor malfunction
    6HP19 Gear4 Incorrect Ratio
    ZF 6HPxx transmission replacement instructions
    ZF mechatronic replacement
    How to perform Adaptation

    ZF 5HP18
    5 HP18 NO move or delay
    ZF 5 HP18 Binding up

    What is CAN ?

    Instrument Cluster Language
    Advanced Hints and Tips
    BMW programming Hints
    750il Pin out Information
    BMW Adaptation Information
    BMW Diagnostic Trouble Codes
    BMW Transmission Fluid level check
    Code Description DSC
    Transmission Oil Application Chard
    Important Torque Converter installation tips
    Basic Measuring Techniques
    BMW 2004 Transmission specification
    BMW Transmission EPROM update
    .E38, 39, 46, 52, 53 Instrument cluster reset
    Airbag failure codes
    EML codes repair
    EML Introduction
    WML IIIs E38, E31
    Understand the EWS system
    BMW Drive Cycle FTP72
    Instrument Cluster Language
    Advanced Hints and Tips
    BMW programming Hints
    N62 engine update
    MSV70 Engine electronics
    BMW service indicator reset E46, E39, E53,
    BMW service indicator reset E36, E34, E32
    BMW service indicator reset E31, E30, E23, E24, E28
    BMW SIA reset E46, E38, E39, E53
    Introduction to Coding & Programming

    CVT-Mini Cooper
    Mini cooper cvt refill procedure
    Mini Cooper cvt adaptation
    Mini cooper cvt-reasembling

    Knowledge is Power, download what you need, in case the site disappears complete, copy http://www.europeantransmission.com/...MWtechinfo.htm and use the wayback machine, I downoaded it there too

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Buenos Aires, Argentina



    E34 525i '88

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004


    ZF education video: ZF 5HP Transmission Oil Change Interval Procedure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8jcRd4gyWc

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004


    updated direct link https://www.europeantransmissions.co...MWtechinfo.htm
    they now have it again on their new website, https://www.europeantransmissions.com/ on the top right move the mouse over "shop", a new window opens with tech knowledge base and one can select between 10 car makers, incl BMW

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2004


    updated direct link https://www.europeantransmissions.co...MWtechinfo.htm
    they now have it again on their new website, https://www.europeantransmissions.com/ on the top right move the mouse over "shop", a new window opens with tech knowledge base and one can select between 10 car makers, incl BMW

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004


    GROUP 12 Engine - Electrical B 12 02 87 (2087) Montvale, NJ Technical Dept December 1987 SUBJECT: Electrical Motor Load Regulation (EML) MODEL: 750iL
    Electronic Motor Load regulation (EML) provides simplified and concise throttle management for an ever increasing variety of engine operating needs. The EML system assures reliable rpm stability regardless of temperature or load variations, without the need of idle control systems, throttle cables, auxiliary air valves, cruise control servos, etc.
    The BMW EML/M1.2 engine management system maintains control unit intercommunication between the EML, DME and the AEGS systems. This "dialogue" enables the EML system to uniquely tailor the throttle response to a wider variety of changing parameters, which would not be possible with existing mechanical and auxiliary controls.
    For example, new benefits such as cruise control operation and a reduced cold engine RPM limit are now provided electronically by EML. Another example of system flexibility is AEGS program matching. The throttle opening progression curve is now matched to specific AEGS programs which will enhance fuel economy ("E"Program) or maximize power development ("S" Program).

    The EML System
    The dual DME M1.2 control units, while part of the fuel injection system, should also be considered as part of the EML system. For complete M1.2 information, see TRI 12 01 87 (2083).

    System Components
    Dual main power relays
    EML control unit
    Dual DME M1.2 control units
    Accelerator pedal assembly
    AEGS program switch
    Cruise control lever
    Dual electric throttle valves
    Fault indicator lamp

    General Operation
    Throttle valve control is managed electronically without the use of mechanical linkage. Accelerator pedal position now represents the "driver's desired throttle position". Switch contacts and a potentiometer attached to the accelerator pedal transmit the desired throttle position to the EML control unit. This electrical input as well as all other pertinent operating parameters are processed and the ideal throttle position is selected and maintained by EML. Throttle response is controlled with twin electric throttle valves which are operated by fast acting gear drive D.C. motors. In this way, optimum throttle response and compensation are provided for a wide variety of conditions including:
    Start-up throttle positioning
    Idle speed maintenance
    Cold engine frictional losses
    Air conditioning load fluctuation
    Gear engagement/disengagement
    Cylinder bank synchronization
    AEGS program matching
    Cruise control operation
    Maximum rpm limit
    Maximum vehicle speed limit
    Emergency operating programs

    Accelerator Pedal Assembly
    The EML accelerator pedal assembly contains a potentiometer (which generates a low voltage analog signal) that represents desired throttle position. Accelerator pedal released/depressed positioning is confirmed and verified by switch contacts known as the "90 switch". As accelerator travel crosses the 90 point, a high/low signal is monitored by the EML control unit. A safety switch completes a dedicated diagnostic circuit whenever the accelerator pedal is released. The diagnostic circuit is an independent hard wire "failsafe" which can, if necessary, initiate fuel shut off during brake application. Pedal travel and effort remain unchanged with the use of dual return springs which provide positive accelerator pedal release and pedal "feel".

    EML Control Unit
    The advanced EML control unit converts the accelerator pedal position values into responsive digital signals. Once processed, with consideration to other parameters and presets, the throttle valves are positioned accordingly.

    Throttle Valve Assembly
    1. Throttle plate
    2. Gear drive
    3. Electric motor drive
    4. Electrical connector
    The throttle valve assembly is a unitized, maintenance-free component. In addition to the internal sub components listed on page 3, the throttle valve assembly also contains electrical signalling devices and a positive closure return spring. The M70 employs two such throttle valves, one for each plenum, and they are operated and synchronized by the EML control unit. Precise cylinder bank balance is achieved by using the individual DME injector final stages as a reference. The EML control unit monitors physical throttle plate position from a feedback potentiometer and further verifies throttle movement via special contacts called the "170 switch". Throttle plate movement is sure and responsive, driven by D.C. electric motors via a gear drive.

    EML Self-Diagnostics
    EML self-testing and fault monitoring capability, combined with comprehensive safety circuity and stored emergency programs, offer predictable system responses in the unlikely event of component malfunction. From the initial start-up all aspects of the system are tested, cross-checked and monitored for proper operation. Many self-checks and failsafe features within and without the EML Control Unit employ redundancy for added reliability. The accelerator pedal/throttle valve relationship is monitored via the respective potentiometer signals and then confirmed by the 9° /17° switch positions. The 9° and 17° switches cannot be opened or closed simultaneously. The high/low signals produced by accelerator pedal/throttle valve travel are constantly monitored via a "switch window" arrangement within the EML control unit. EML fault lamp integrity is assured with the use of twin light bulbs. Associated functions which are relied upon for failsafe operation are monitored in much the same way as the EML system. Such is the case with deceleration fuel shut off. Ordinarily, a fuel saving function, decel fuel shut off is also used by the EML system to provide rapid power reduction. Should the DME fail to engage decel cutoff reliably, EML will recognize a fault and reduce power.
    In addition to normal EML System fault monitoring, all parameters and functions are continuously compared to programmed safety logic values. Comparison of actual operating values to programmed presets determines whether the relationship of all EML System components is logical and plausible. For example:
    A constant accelerator pedal signal ordinarily would denote steady control by the driver. However, it could also be a stuck or blocked accelerator pedal. A "brakes applied" signal with a constant accelerator pedal signal represents conflicting values and would be deemed not plausible, causing an immediate reduction of power. System fault detection receives immediate classification. In most cases, especially those which might affect engine RPM, the EML fault lamp is illuminated and power is reduced immediately. Depending on the fault detected, the throttle opening may be reduced to a 20° angle or to a typical idle speed position. Should the throttle valve(s) fail to move, the DME on cue will reduce the millisecond injector time or discontinue injection thus providing a substantial power reduction. EML system troubleshooting and fault memory access is provided in the standard way, using the BMW diagnostic module. Additionally, the hard wire diagnostic circuit which transmits the brakes applied signal via the accelerator pedal safety switch can be checked with BMW special tool P/N 88886127010.For full testing information, refer to SI Bulletin 12 06 87 (1502) and repair manual page 12 - 365 (dated 11/87).

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