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Thread: Late Model Glovebox Flashlight Retrofit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Default Late Model Glovebox Flashlight Retrofit

    I found this DIY on BF: I wanted a glovebox flashlight, but didn't really like the look of the white early model one that comes in cars e34/e32/e36 and older. To remedy this, I got a later model black flashlight, socket and wiring and fit it to my car. Took some slight modifying and wiring, but nothing too bad. Part numbers are as follows:

    Flashlight - 63316962052
    Socket - 61138352336
    Plug - 61138352304
    Pins - 61130007449

    Google search the part numbers if you want to see what they look like. ECSTuning.com also has pictures of them.

    I bought all my parts used. I recommend getting the flashlight new as the batteries often die in them (I soldered new ones into mine), but the other parts are expensive new, so try and find someone parting out an e38/e39/e46 etc or hit your local junkyard. Total cost me about $25 including new batteries for the flashlight.

    I don't have a before picture of the hole that the stock socket goes into, but here is how it looks after modifying it. I had to remove some nubs on the top side, add the notch on the top right and open the width up a little bit. The material on the sides is about half as thick now as it was. The bottom didn't need any work. Everything was done with a file by hand.
    The new socket in place.
    Flashlight in place.
    Back in the car.
    The wiring was as simple as just cutting the old socket off and splicing the new connector on. It's only two wires, ground and power. Brown is ground, don't mix them up or you will short the battery in the flashlight.

    All in all, I'm very happy. I'll likely upgrade the flashlight to an LED at some point, but we will see. I wanted it more just to have, not really to use. I have a larger flashlight in the glovebox.
    Andrew Bird
    Note: the white gloebox light is no longer available.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Sydney, Australia


    That's a great mod to share, thanks Andrew, Erich!

    I prefer the white torch as its easier to find in the night and with a nice LED conversion they become really useful. Trouble with car torches is leaving them in the car- once the family find out where they live, their days are simply numbered. Once they're AWOL, being white aids one in finding the escapees!

    Join the Aussie
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