Hi all,

Once again apologise for my infrequent visiting and posting, but as some of you know I’m working away in the mother land! (Germany)(Yes.. BMW’s are German!! Lol ;-D)

Anyway would someone be nice enough to help me with a page from the ETK? I thought I had a copy with me on my laptop, but obviously not!

So.. to the point… I need to replace the front Rotors and pads on my 540. Problem is I've upgraded to the 8 Series Brembro 4 poter’s,! There are a couple of different type/sizes and before I order I need to make sure I get the right ones. The S/N on the original disk is:1.161086 could someone please let me no which model and year there from, plus diameter if stated.

Also the S/N numbers for the Calliper bolts front and rear so I can collect from my local BM dealer here.

Thanks much in advance, Steve