I cant get this bushing in all the way - its not happening. Ive tried EVERYTHING - twice. Its just sticking out the bottom about 1/2".

I decided to take the car of the stand as i think it was twisting the frame (its been on since sunday when i started the bushing job) and is making the central locking make a funny sound when locking the car. I reattached the plate that has the three nuts in (two small and one big one that goes through the bushing), but i was wandering if this is safe to drive? I was kind of hoping that a couple of speed bumps might pop the bushing into the housing for me? Im guessing it'll do that or rip it out?

The bushing housing feels different to the other side (obviously) - in that at the top of the 'ok' side there is a gap between the housing and the chassis with the two rubber parts protruding out the top to soften blows. The side i have worked on just has the car and the subframe housing resting on each other, is it ok to drive with it like this? My car's been off the road for 5 days and i havent even changed one bushing fully yet. Im scared to attempt the other side with the luck ive been having.

I know i've put a few threads in over this but im really stuck here, its become a big problem. Its like im working two jobs - as soon as i come home from work at 6pm, im under the car until 10pm when it goes dark to try and get it back on the road. The most annoying thing is, its making me love my car less and less - and its the car i dreamt of owning for such a long time.

Just to reiterate what ive tried so far to get it in:

Jacked it in
Hot water as lube and jack
Heat gun and jack
WD40 and jack
Hammer and jack
Lump hammer
Nut and bolt through (killed the thread)
3-in-1 oil and jack.

My worry is i can see myself having to cut this bushing out and putting another in - which will take me a lot of time if similar to last time, and cost more ££. Worst case scenario here of course.

Anyone had this kind of trouble before? Any suggestions welcome - What should i do?