Few weeks ago my car couldn't start and after a while I figured that fuel pump is dead and it doesn't deliver fuel to engine.
We removed it from tank and tried to start it with direct electricity - no go, dead totaly. Whole day I tried to find a new pump, it was saturday, and I managed to find one that fits into metal tank. For my surprise I realised that my tank is plastic (I didn't know that???). New pump fits into tank but it is an inch hihger than the old one so it means that my fuel has to stay above certain amount or pump will die again because it needs fuel all the time.
The old pump - we tried it again with direct electricity and suddenly it started to work.
My question is - anybody knows the different serial numbers for pumps (for metal and plastic tank) so I could get the real one, and your advice - is it clever to clean up the old one and put it back?