that would be great, ive been thinking about installing a mac mini in my car
Should we have a subforum for electronics and car audio/visual??
There are a lot of ppl here who have done installs and could help ppl with future installs
(like me)
for example, grave77's pc install on his 8 series and other stuff like that...
so yup yup
vote ppl...
i forgot to add the poll
just say what u want i guess...
Yes: 9
im guessing that the majority likes this idea...
who do we tell to add this subforum in??
Last edited by cybereclipse; 02-24-2007 at 12:38 PM.
1995 BMW 525i E34 M50B25 2.5L (Non-Vanos) -Automatic Transmission- (w/ Cruise Control & Full OBC) *REBOUGHT!!*
that would be great, ive been thinking about installing a mac mini in my car
'91 e31 850
'90 e34 535
'02 CBR F4i stunt/track bike
'07 gsxr 750 stunt bike
7 year pro experience as an installer/owner. Could help with many troubleshooting problems in a forum like that.
Greg Mannino
Car Audio.Video.Security.Navigation Guru
Electrical/Mechanical Specialist
it would help, especially with the Cd changer questions
Vee ave vays of dealing vid your kind...........
Sounds good to me (no pun intended)
Dinan chip, Bilstein sports w H&R, RD sways, RD strut brace, 750 bushings, Zimmermans/MetalMasters, O.E. M Pars, Eisenmann muffler
"The gas pedal wouldn't go to the floor if it weren't meant to be there"
a yep from me as well as i'm building my sub boxes and about to install it all in my E30 325 convertible
i say yes
alot of other forums have 90% BS in their threads, is always 90% info and thats how i like it.
If we get an A/V section there will be info from the pro's not that 16 year old kid with his"1000" watt subs.
1995 BMW 530ia/3.15lsd/M Parallels/Eibach/Bilstien/Magnaflow