Cleaned out a grungy 18 years old car that never had carpet shampooed... It worked! You gotta scrub with a brush and mop it (regularly rinsed to remove the dirt/grime). A shop vac to suck out the remaining does a pretty good job.

If I were to do it the right way, I would want a carpet cleaner machine... doesn't matter what it is... home use one or pro-rental... The reason is I want to rinse the carpet out... so with sprayer and vacuum suction would rinse the carpet out repeatedly without getting to soggy. I supposed we can use a garden sprayer (new clean one! Not rinsed out unless you don't mind insecticide)... but a all in one machine will do just nicely with hot water. This way, all the dirt goes out... not just majority...

The water out of my shop vac is dirt brown... eeks... Lysol to kill the remaining odor/germs... ya know... it got 101 uses!