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Thread: Trans Code "100"...code of death? '94 525i

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    San Diego

    Default Trans Code "100"...code of death? '94 525i

    My 1994 525iT automatic with 140,000 miles now has the "Trans Program" message, stuck in third gear blues. So now the BMW shop (not the dealer) wants $3500 to replace it with a factory rebuilt unit. I've read several postings and the Trans Program section on this site. It happened exactly as described in Bruno's section on this trans message, i.e., flare, bing, message, limp-home.

    The BMW shop service rep told me the trans holds a "code 100" which is "the code of death." When I asked if they had checked the speed sensor, relays, switches, etc., he just said, "Well, we checked for any codes and that's the one that came up. Your tranny is finished."

    Why can't I find any reference anywhere to this "code of death", i.e., 100? Can't even Google it.

    Help, please? I will take it to a dedicated tranny shop Thursday for a second opinion, but REALLY want some sage advice here, please.
    Thanks. Al

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Default For your a4s310r transmission the code 100 is

    for the speed monitoring. Meaning that the transmission speed sensor detected a difference in the input speed versus the output speed. This indicates that there is slippage. I've seen this code show up on cars with low fluid levels. I would drop the pans, change the fluid. Fill the smaller pan with fluid before installing and then fill with fluid according to specs, exactly according to specs. If that doesn't take care of it, i would then replace the band apply solenoid valve. I wouldn't quite count the transmission out yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by rizal
    My 1994 525iT automatic with 140,000 miles now has the "Trans Program" message, stuck in third gear blues. So now the BMW shop (not the dealer) wants $3500 to replace it with a factory rebuilt unit. I've read several postings and the Trans Program section on this site. It happened exactly as described in Bruno's section on this trans message, i.e., flare, bing, message, limp-home.

    The BMW shop service rep told me the trans holds a "code 100" which is "the code of death." When I asked if they had checked the speed sensor, relays, switches, etc., he just said, "Well, we checked for any codes and that's the one that came up. Your tranny is finished."

    Why can't I find any reference anywhere to this "code of death", i.e., 100? Can't even Google it.

    Help, please? I will take it to a dedicated tranny shop Thursday for a second opinion, but REALLY want some sage advice here, please.
    Thanks. Al

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    San Diego

    Default Thanks...was professionally serviced in 8/06...hmmm

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill R.
    for the speed monitoring. Meaning that the transmission speed sensor detected a difference in the input speed versus the output speed. This indicates that there is slippage. I've seen this code show up on cars with low fluid levels. I would drop the pans, change the fluid. Fill the smaller pan with fluid before installing and then fill with fluid according to specs, exactly according to specs. If that doesn't take care of it, i would then replace the band apply solenoid valve. I wouldn't quite count the transmission out yet.
    Thanks, Bill. The same shop (highly recommended around San Diego) serviced the trans in August 06, i.e., almost 2 months ago. They commented on a lot of metallic debris in the pan at the time. I am the third owner, since 77,000 miles, and can't vouch for how anyone else maintained it. I had it serviced elsewhere two years ago, but suspect they just drained and replaced fluid, not the filter, etc.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Seattle, Wa


    The difference between the input and output speeds can also indicate a bad speed sensor(s). My '89 535 was giving me fits with the "Trans Program" error until I changed the "Pulse Generator", (#4) $40 from the stealer. That was about 3 months ago, no problems since.

    Good luck,


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    San Diego


    Quote Originally Posted by JMI
    The difference between the input and output speeds can also indicate a bad speed sensor(s). My '89 535 was giving me fits with the "Trans Program" error until I changed the "Pulse Generator", (#4) $40 from the stealer. That was about 3 months ago, no problems since.

    Good luck,

    Thanks, Jim. It's at a tranny shop for a second opinion and it's VERY helpful to be armed with some information, etc. I'll keep everyone psoted with the outcome...hopefully it will be another of those where the tranny itself still had some life left in it. Al

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