I only stare this way at you- oo00oo -Ahem, anyway, I spend quite a bit of time outside at my house because I am a smoker. I will not smoke in my house YUK! But I have a carport with a porch at the back. Since this is a covered area, it is usually where I hang out to get my fix. Here's the thing: I catch myself staring at my car quite a bit. It's not like the commercial where the guy is looking at his red Dodge pickup in the driveway slobbering and pouring beer all over some dude's french fries, but more like a visual exam: I look at it from different angles. Oooo, this angle is really nice... I try to find something I don't like about it or; is that a scratch? or; is it sitting perfectly level? or; how is the stance? etc... I will also try NOT to look at it, but I fail miserably every time. I know my neighbors must think I'm , but then; none of them drive a BMW that I have seen. I ask myself, "Would they understand?" Hmmm. I work in a warehouse, and during the summer the garage doors are open. Sooo... every so often I will sneak a peek. Then the peek turns into that exam stare again. I used to have a similar problem with my E28 and my '71 Super Beetle. But it is waay more pronounced with the Green Meanie. Is this just me? Or is anyone else afflicted by this disorder? Your diagnosis please?