Hi All,

I have a question regarding a traffic ticket I received out of State. I live in Oregon but got a ticker about 3 hours away in Washington from a State Trooper for Neglegent Driving. I plan to argue the ticket. The thing was that I was passing a car in a double solid yellow lane. What happened was that A passing lane started on my side and a car from the slow lane cut me off and got into the fast lane and continued at 50mph. He hit is brakes so I swerved and passed him in the oncomming lane. Of course I checked that there was no oncomming traffic and it was a long straight road. The cop was really pisses, saying I could kill someone, when in reality I was more aware of my surroundings than the other cars around me. I also think he didn't see the car in front of me cut me off in the fast lane because of his position relative to the onciomming traffic. He said this was the most neglagent driving he's seen in his career, which I find hard to believe. I found a couple of discrepancies on the ticket, such as my eye color and the expiration date of my drivers license. Could these tecnicalitie be grounds for dismissal? All it says on teh ticket is neglegent driving, nothing else. This was also a state trooper in Port Angeles, Washington, which is 3 hours from Portland. Being a state trooper I was wondering If I can request a court hearing in Vancouver Washington, which is 15 minutes from me and 3 hours from him.
I don't make a habbit of driving neglagently and have nothing on my driving record, this being the first thing. I would have my hobby (driving) to be the cause of harm to someone. Thanks for any input.