They're still celebrating Gayle, but in typical April Fool's Day spirit they are probably plastered or have forgotten the whole thing (or both)...
Oh, btw Great Cousins- here's a laugh for you, almost an April fool.
We've got a new ad campaign destined for boob-toobs all over the world, designed to convince people its worth coming over to Oz for a holiday. It's a kinda fun ad, warm and furry using all the national icons, but it is a fairly wet (given what we've all been up to the last few years), and thankfully it was taken off (parodied).
I thought I'd drop you a few links so you could have a laugh.
I suggest you watch the real one first, but the government paid the ad company so much money they started drinking the moment the ad was out of editing and their web-guy was clearly already drunk so it's quicktime link can be a bit dodgy (the pollies don't know how to use computers to do anything other than watch p0rn anywhow, so they won't find out...).
Anyway, it's novel because (as we all know) this is the first ad agency to do a great job by offending people, so much so the British banned it, which caused a real rucous. Of course it worked out to be a real (deliberate?) PR coup after hitting the headlines everywhere and our tourism minister hadn't been over to tug forelocks at the Palace for at least a year. So off he went and showed it to the British cabinet in person and they all agreed over cigars adn scotch that a lonesome babe wondering
where the bloody hell we all are (as she bounces out of the water on a deserted beach in her bikini) was, in fact, the complete opposite to what their Office of Classifications had said.
Most of them then went on to ask if she'd still be on the beach when they got here...
So, check the real ad
out here, and then check out any one of the satirical new, improved
versions here. The
'original' satirical version was removed by the authorities (the Australian Tourism Commission's lawyers slammed a suit on them a few days ago, alleging copyright infringement (yes, it's that good) and knowing the pollies they are likley to come back and do it again any moment)... (the original song was exactly that- orginal so they actually re-wrote the theme in a few ways to make it obvious enough that it would be plainly the case to even the crankiest of judges). For more on the story there is a
great article here...