Quote Originally Posted by ryan roopnarine
i meant the tv series, married with children

there's an american mythology about football/basketball, you probably have it there with regards to "soccer", wherein 40 year olds that played a sport in high school but never made the professional leagues will eagerly follow a sport on tv/radio/in person because they believe in their heart that they are a "part" of the team (a backup player), and when their favorite team is takin a beating, that the coach would call em in to clean up the score, and their performance would transcend any known level of awesomeness, and they'd get a crossover nobel prize for their performance........
but their wife/SO got pregnant, and they had to give up their sports aspirations to do family type crap....

hence the mumbling and throwing of bowl
i was being facetious
Sorry about previous post, couldn't help myself !

Actually in Oz : Cricket, Rugby Union, Rugby League and Aussie Rules are bigger than Football (soccer) as followed sports which depends on in which state you live.

Having said that I must admit that I am a Football (soccer) tragic, having recently spent not quite as much as a Rose Bowl ticket to watch the Soceroos beat Uruguay for a place at the 2006 World Cup finals in Germany.

The phenomenon of middle aged blokes yearning for their lost sporting careers is not peculiar to your culture. It happens everwhere there are middle-aged men.

Interestingly with Football (soccer) though, is the number of middle aged men who still play, week in, week out in the old farts leagues (Over 35s).

Sadly, I am one of those at the age of 49.

If nothing else it gives the kids a chance to laugh at us and get their own back for what we scream at them on the sidelines.

Don't worry, "married with children" was part of your country's never ending television exports that make up your attempt to subvert our culture.

Never watched it much but the kids think "Becker" was written by someone who had spent a while observing me !