View Full Version : Almost lost my baby.

02-20-2005, 07:30 PM
Last Saturday I went to my buddys house in New Britain CT, and stayed over night. I parked the car in front of a Chinese restaurant right along few other vehicles. In the morning his wife comes to me and tells that the car is gone, I think she must be joking or something, so I go look out the window and indeed there’s no bimmer. First thing that comes to my mind someone stole it, since one of my friends had it 350Z stolen few weeks ago. I called the cops, and they told me that the property manager had it towed because there is no overnight parking and by living my car there I was trespassing. But how could I’ve known since there’s no signs or anything posted saying that I cannot park. After about 20 minute fight on the phone with the guy who towed it. I ended up paying $140 for about 3 mile tow.

02-20-2005, 07:43 PM
wow nuts...
close call...

02-23-2005, 06:46 PM
Whoa..... I'd flip Sh*t lol

02-24-2005, 01:39 AM
This crazy immigrant told me that he liked my car the other night. I said thanks, and started to hope to God that he didn't like it enough to steal it. I need to get The Club, or something.