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02-17-2005, 03:00 PM
One of my fuses keeps blowing for one of the headlights. Any ideas?

02-17-2005, 05:43 PM
One of my fuses keeps blowing for one of the headlights. Any ideas?
Water getting in there and shorting it out

02-17-2005, 08:37 PM
Check the wiring between the 2 headlights. Which side is it? I think there are wires going from right to left under the bumper.
Wiring diagrams are online on my page. There is also a plug in the area of the left turn signal, which sometimes looks like this
Actually this one is for the temp sensor next to the fog light and I believe for the fog lights too.
Cables can look good, but the connections where the plugs are can be corroded. Especially as you live in a very humid climate.
Download the repair manual which is now on my page.
I know, it is very tight in the engine room of the V12. You probably have to take out both airboxes to come to the headlights.
But you can also remove the front grill parts easily and the take out the cpl. set of headlamps, but the worst is to get to the small screws from inside the engine room besides the turn signal. One almost cannot see them and needs surgical tools. Did that some weeks ago to clean the low dip headlights which improved my headlights very much.
At the same time I treated the lower doors inside corrosion. That spot you have to check. There are some mud sills at the lower edges and there the doors corrode, as there are 2 drainholes from inside the doors and water runs from tehre inside the sills. I treated it with rust converter.
Here some pics of headlights before after cleaning (one with one side cleaned the other not yet to compare) and the door rust action.
click for the pics (http://tridem.han-solo.net/auto/erich/halopics/halopics.htm)

Info how to clean headlights and where the screws are (http://www.8ung.at/behrens_homepage/maxfretter/freeyellow.com.html)

02-19-2005, 07:47 AM
Thanks, guys. It is the passenger side low beam fuse. I am traveling now, but I will try these things when I get home.