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View Full Version : Help Poor student in Finding e34 92 525 doors

02-15-2005, 12:31 AM
I really need some help so I figured you guys would know better than anyone else. Let me explain. First off I wouldn't be in this situation if the University of Kentucky didn't take all my money and I paid better attention. I backed out of my driveway and hit my friends 1992 Bmw. I have auto insurance but I want to fix the car myself as the insurance company will rape me on my rates if I report this. I simply backed into his rear door and part of the rear quarter panel. He is a pretty good guy and I offered to fix it myslelf. Although the quarter panel is damaged ( slightly ) he has some previous damage on the drivers side door we came to an agreement that if the price is cheaper I could simply just replace the two doors and I would not have to worry about the panel. I am knowledgable enough to swap out a door on a car and have done it one other time on a girlfriends metro ( not as nice as a BMW though ).

I will cut to the chase.

Where can a poor man get a driver side set of doors for a 92 525 Preferably black so I can skip painting?

What other years will fit the 92 e34?

Does anyone know of someone parting out a set of these?

Is there a decent europarts junkyard near central Kentucky?

I have searched the web but I figured I should ask the experts as well.

Any help would be appreciated?

(PS. I am not an english major so jokes about my spelling and punc. etc don't matter. However I will eventually obtain my worthlessly marketable degree in Modern Russian History )

02-15-2005, 12:53 AM
Try these, maybe other have more info

02-15-2005, 12:55 AM
you can check with these guys and see if they have some.


02-15-2005, 10:02 AM
I've got doors from a parts car, but not in black. I'm near Raleigh, NC. $150 each for good straight doors. Wanna make a road trip??!!!!

To answer one of your questions, doors from any E34 (89-96) will fit just fine.


02-15-2005, 06:39 PM
To answer one of your questions, doors from any E34 (89-96) will fit just fine.


Will even the trim on the doors line up with the trim on the body from doors within that range but bodies of a different year within that range?

02-15-2005, 06:57 PM
like Rigmaster said... they are All the same dude... you are lucky you hit an e34!

02-15-2005, 09:52 PM
I have both of the doors from a parts car up here in CT. They are calypso red, id be willing to have them painted for cheaper than you could (family body shop) but i wouldn't be comforatable doing it without the car for a paintmatch. Let me know if your interested