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View Full Version : heeeelllppp....how the hell do you get the blower motor strap....

ryan roopnarine
02-10-2005, 10:57 AM
off? i've tried several long prybars, stuck an awl under there like bentley advises, tried pulling it upward with a rope...three bloody fingers later no dice. i don't want to break the strap so i hesitate escalating matters further.


ps...i see that gale has some kind of homebrew screwdriver for this purpose. is there anyway that i could get it out using regular tools? (ie, ones not "made" for this task?)

02-10-2005, 12:14 PM
i got mine off with normal hand tools, nothing special. I dont really remember how, but i think it was just a flat blade.

02-10-2005, 02:09 PM
"...i see that gale has some kind of homebrew screwdriver ..."

Push down on the raised humps on the clip near the middle with your thumb, it will stretch the clip a little bit, then try to pry it off above the catch with a screwdriver or awl. All I did was take an old throw-away screwdriver & heat it with a torch & bent the tip over about 1/4" in a vise with a hammer to reach under the tip of the clip to pry it out:


632 Regal
02-10-2005, 02:15 PM
looks easy to me...ryan show it that tire you changed as an example to the blower clamp.

02-10-2005, 08:47 PM
theres usually a hole in the part being pried on that i put a pick into and lever the clip off it's seat