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View Full Version : Rear-ended yesterday!

02-08-2005, 12:30 PM
Me and my E34 (1989 M20) were rear-ended yesterday. The old woman that hit me didn't stop so I had to follow her to get her information. While I was following her, my 'engine oil pressure' warning came on, but she stopped in a driveway soon afterwards. I parked behind her and shut my car off.

After I got her information, I got back in the car and took off. Within a mile the warning came on again. I decided to find a safe place to stop and have a look under the hood. Before I could get there, the warning comes on again and my engine stalls.

I push the car to the curb and look under the hood. I can't find any physical evidence of lost oil, but there is some light smoke coming from the top of the engine. My oil is a little low, so I add a quart. It's been about a half hour since it stalled. I fire it up and it's running again. Within a mile, the warning comes on again and it stalls again.

I have it towed to my mechanic.

She hit me going somewhere around 15 MPH. Does anybody have any ideas what might have happened to my engine? It was working fine up until the accident.

02-08-2005, 01:06 PM
Wait...she rear ended you, reversed to change lanes, and then drove away?!?

02-08-2005, 01:16 PM
theres probably something that got knocked out of place or broken in the impact making it run bad, usually it's a cracked air boot due to the engine getting shifted, not sure whats causing the op problem, the sensor is below the oil filter on a m20 motor

02-08-2005, 02:03 PM
Wait...she rear ended you, reversed to change lanes, and then drove away?!?

She didn't pull over after she hit me, even when I pulled over to let her pass, she ignored me. When she passed me, I noticed a teenage girl in the passenger seat. I pulled in behind her and followed her to the nearby highschool, where the girl got out and ran across traffic to the school. The driver pulls an illegal U-turn in front a pick-up that could easily have T-boned her if the truck driver hadn't slammed on his brakes. She almost hits another car in the right lane because she continued her U-turn without checking behind her. At this point I'm thinking she trying to lose me, so I pull a U-turn the first chance I get and follow her back the other way. She turns down a 2-way residential street and continues on. At one point she enters the right turn lane with me behind her. She grinds her front wheel against the curb near the corner and then goes straight across the intersection from the right turn lane. Again, I follow. She finally pulls into the driveway of a residence and I park right behind her so she can't leave. It takes her a bit to get out of the car. She's pretty old and looks like she just rolled out of bed and got into her car. I say 'It's really not a good idea to leave the scene of an accident'. Her reply was along the lines of 'What accident?'. 'Do you have insurance?'. 'I'm not sure.' Unless she Meryl Streeps' acting coach, I believe she's out-of-it. Here's the kicker, while I'm getting her DL# and info, two teenage boys come out of the house and get into her car. She's taking some more kids to school!

632 Regal
02-08-2005, 02:33 PM
did you go make a report with the police yet? thats the first thing you should do!

02-08-2005, 07:07 PM
yeah dude u might end up getting in trouble for leaving the scene!
be VERY careful how you proceed with this....

02-08-2005, 07:13 PM
ditto, grand ma vicodin may beat you to it or do something else bad