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View Full Version : 90 535i - OBC Display all "blotched"

01-02-2005, 12:05 AM
Only had this BMW for about 2 months now, but a few weeks ago when I started and moved the car when were were having some -22 degree weather, I noticed that my OBC now has "blotches", is my display toast???



01-02-2005, 12:40 AM
it is the different pressure on the frame for the part which actually makes the color, the diffuser. Yoy can try to wiggle a bit with the pressure of the frame.
It also changes depending on the temperatures. But usually the final solution is to get a new BC.
Some have done it.

have a look herre, there are 3 parts on the OBC info, ONLY on Jon Evans page! (http://evansweb.info/article.php?story=20030224212230292)

01-03-2005, 02:46 PM
Anyone have one of these babies around that they would like to sell?

colin jenkins
01-03-2005, 04:40 PM
probably best to change the whole unit, when i had this the temperature reading went haywhire also,just scavenged another unit
Only had this BMW for about 2 months now, but a few weeks ago when I started and moved the car when were were having some -22 degree weather, I noticed that my OBC now has "blotches", is my display toast???



01-04-2005, 09:55 AM
As long as you can see everything, no problem. Have it since several years and the size is changing in winter and summer. Probably because of different temperatures = different pressure on the frame.
I have one spare here, but that will probably be too expensive to send it from Japan to Canada. Bought it from Germany from a parts 750iL E32.
But you can find them on Ebay quite often. Prices range between 50-100 $.
Or check the scrapyards. The ones from E32 also fit w/o problem.
New one is very expensive.
You can also buy one with another language at the front cover. No prob, the front plate is exchangeable. Just swop from your old one to the new one. My spare one also has German language on the cover.

If you found another one and you do not need the defective one anymore, I would be interested to get that one. Want to try to repair it based on the link I posted before. Nice project for long winter days. :)