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12-10-2004, 10:47 PM
Dose anybody know what this silver thing is? (not the tow hook!) cant find any refrence on the ETK!

12-10-2004, 10:59 PM
got a less crappy pic? looks like the rare silver blob option, best guess if it's a small tube with hex ends it's a kind of a nut driver usually with a 10mm on one end and something else on the other

12-10-2004, 10:59 PM
Dose anybody know what this silver thing is? (not the tow hook!) cant find any refrence on the ETK!
You know - I have a big empty spot there and was just wondering what it was for. Maybe a rod for thwacking punk kids who get too close to your car?

12-10-2004, 11:11 PM
i carry a hickory tire billy in each car 1.5 - 2 foot long with a nice grip and weighted end, sorta like a baby buford pusser stick :D

Maybe a rod for thwacking punk kids who get too close to your car?

12-10-2004, 11:27 PM
Probably what would go under the spanners/wrenches in this nice, clear picture...:p

Just kidding, I wouldn't mind knowing...I don't think mine has one of those...this isn't my kit, just a picture I found earlier...there's 3" of fresh snow and freezing rain outside so I don't feel like going to take a piccie of my kit just now... :D