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View Full Version : Bill R, anyone 4-cyl Chevy head torque sequence

08-26-2004, 02:54 PM
Need a torque value & pattern/sequence for a 2.2 liter 1990 Chevy 4-cyl Cavalier cylinder head. Are there any on-line resources for this type of generic info?


Bill R.
08-26-2004, 04:20 PM
Need a torque value & pattern/sequence for a 2.2 liter 1990 Chevy 4-cyl Cavalier cylinder head. Are there any on-line resources for this type of generic info?


George M
08-26-2004, 04:21 PM
Stop by a local autoparts store...walk into the Haynes and Chilton service manual aisle...look it up and out you go. You probably need to pick up something anyway...I always do.
There are also GM message boards to find out that kind of info...but will take longer.
Google search is all you need for your car.
HTH's Don.

George M
08-26-2004, 04:31 PM
or alternatively....come November, walk into your local voting facility and do all of us a favor and pull straight Republican. You don't want to vote for someone that was in favor of the war and yet wouldn't support funding of our troops. Besides, who could stand to look at his wife for the next four years?...or should say...his cash cow. Kidding Bill...you brought it up.

08-26-2004, 04:35 PM
Thanks Bill, much appreciated!


G Feller
08-26-2004, 05:10 PM
I tend to think of her and Lynne Cheney as slag hags.

Although I have a strong feeling the world might be a better place if it was run by women . . . three weeks a month.

Besides, who could stand to look at his wife for the next four years?...

632 Regal
08-26-2004, 05:21 PM

George M
08-26-2004, 08:18 PM
Greg...guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think Laura Bush is quite attractive. She has a grace about her that I find very appealing. I guess I like the demure, feminine, rubenesque, educated type. Jackie O comes to mind...a bit skinny for my taste though. Kind of like 'em all actually...well most of 'em...hehe. Don't know much about Cheney's wife. And Jeff, Ross isn't running this time but to Bill's dismay, Ralphie boy is...lol. All in good fun boys.

G Feller
08-27-2004, 09:10 AM
Yup, just being silly. Neither wife is terribly unattractive, in my opinion, but like you I am quite flexible in what I consider appealing (although I could never stretch it to include Hillary and her cow legs). We'd better not get started talking about young girls though.

Hey, it's Friday - maybe we should busy up the off-topic forum with a little real NWS?

Kind of like 'em all actually...well most of 'em...hehe.

08-27-2004, 09:31 AM
Can we stop the politics talk? (Bush, Rove, Rummy, Condi, and Powell are so gone in November hehe)

Bill R.
08-27-2004, 10:29 AM
my views on all the various Bush issues and nothing i have mentioned in the past have converted any of them to voting for Kerry, nothing, environment, energy, hybrids, gays, taxes, iraq you name it , they were still voting for Bush come november, then last week i had 2 separate customer who were hard core Republicans tell me that they were now voting for Kerry......the reason?..... The overtime pay issue, one of them was an er nurse who's boss told her specifically that this would affect her, strange that this is the thing that has actually converted a few around here......last thing in the world that i would have thought of as a factor...

or alternatively....come November, walk into your local voting facility and do all of us a favor and pull straight Republican. You don't want to vote for someone that was in favor of the war and yet wouldn't support funding of our troops. Besides, who could stand to look at his wife for the next four years?...or should say...his cash cow. Kidding Bill...you brought it up.

George M
08-27-2004, 11:31 AM
Bill....you will laugh about this but I grew up in a liberal kind of artsy town in a suburb of Detroit and my family as well as most of my parents friends voted Democrat and in part due to association with the car industry which as many know vote straight Democrat. Typically my parents would vote for the man and to this day that is the way I vote. I am far from a straight Rupublican on a variety of levels. I believe Kerry has many very good qualities and basically like him...much more than Gore BTW and many of the policies the Democratic party stand for I embrace. Far too complex as you know to discuss on this board and it kind of violates board policy but we have known one another for a long time so fun to joke about it a bit. BTW...all in good fun Evan...glad to see you are still lurking...lol. As to Bush and his henchmen getting voted out...believe its gonna be a real horse race...not unlike the last election....very very close as noted by the huge publicity smear campaign being waged in the media here on out.

08-27-2004, 01:41 PM
George....not that he didn't want to support the troops just wanted accountability of the money...didn't want to give Halliburton another blank check.....oh remember Georgy is for faith based initiatives...doesn't that rub you wrong.....LOL

Callen 91 535i 94 530i 89 735il

George M
08-27-2004, 02:44 PM
...understood. As far as W being faith based...faith, though a private matter is a good thing, if you so choose. We are both Episcopalians :-)

08-27-2004, 05:37 PM
Tell 'em George!