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View Full Version : ACK! Someone spilled white house paint on my car!!

08-23-2004, 08:59 AM
I left my car parked on the street for two days and come back to see white house paint on my hood, the area near the marker light, and the area next to the fog lamp. At first I thought it might have been a very ill bird, but after closer inspection it is definitely paint. How do I remove this paint without taking off the car's paint? No chance of finding the idiot who actually did this and making him fix it. I'd phone it in to the insurance company except that my deductable is $500. I'll try and put up some pictures when I get a chance. Thanks guys!


08-23-2004, 09:04 AM
Try "Goo Gone" or "Goof Off". You can get them at Walmart or any paint store. I don't think it'll harm the paint. You might also take it by a good body shop to see what they recommend or at least a phone call to ask about the two things I suggested.

lThe above will work on latex, I'm not sure about oil base.

08-23-2004, 12:08 PM
I left my car parked on the street for two days and come back to see white house paint on my hood, the area near the marker light, and the area next to the fog lamp. At first I thought it might have been a very ill bird, but after closer inspection it is definitely paint. How do I remove this paint without taking off the car's paint? No chance of finding the idiot who actually did this and making him fix it. I'd phone it in to the insurance company except that my deductable is $500. I'll try and put up some pictures when I get a chance. Thanks guys!


08-23-2004, 09:23 PM
someone sprayed black spray paint on my white hood and i used paint thinner to removed it without destroying the white paint. I had a white hood because my car was in an accident, and paint thinner worked for me, try a small bit, place it on a towel and tap it on the paint, then remove it and use some water to wash it off. try a small place because spray paint is different than house paint. It may work but try it on a small place first.