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View Full Version : recommendations for where to buy replacement radiator for 1990 525i, 236k miles?

08-12-2004, 06:19 PM
In my previous posting, some said it would be best just to replace the radiator.

Brand recommendations?

Shoud I get a new one or try a junk yard?

Can you get a refurbished one? Is that recommended?

What stores or web sites do you recommend as reliable and inexpensive?

Many thanks!

Dan in NZ
08-12-2004, 06:30 PM
You might not need to replace the radiator, they are very expensive! I had the same problems, and had mine reconditioned, they just cleaned out all the gunk I guess. Cost me NZD$100 (USD$55), plus 4.5 hours labour to remove it and put it back in.

08-12-2004, 06:35 PM
thanks. Labor here is around $80-100 per hour. A new radiator, a few places I looked on the net, were around $290.

I think I might have to make this my project car for a while.

This might be decision time - keep fixing things or sell it. who evers knows with this type of thing.

08-12-2004, 08:17 PM
I bought a Behr for my 1994 530iT from BMA and I used radiators.com for my daughter's Miata. Radiators.com delivered to the house on Saturday which was pretty impressive. good luck.

1994 530iT

08-12-2004, 08:46 PM
www.pelicanparts.com (west coast) or www.bimmerparts.com (east coast)

Don't forget hoses, radiator cap, and/or thermostat.

I've order from both before, radiator included, good companies.

08-12-2004, 08:48 PM
Oh, and get a new one, not refurbished, junk yard or used. It's not THAT much more money and it's worth not having a headache later.... again.