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Jr ///M5
07-17-2004, 02:22 PM
http://images.traderonline.com/img/5/dealer/749070/73834950_1.jpg It's getting to the point where I don't even enjoy summer anymore because of the incredible "itch" I get when the weather is nice, and I know how nice it is in the fall with a bike. Sure would like to have an R1100RT...or even this one would do!!!

07-17-2004, 03:16 PM
It's getting to the point where I don't even enjoy summer anymore because of the incredible "itch" I get when the weather is nice, and I know how nice it is in the fall with a bike. Sure would like to have an R1100RT...or even this one would do!!!

:D Depends on where you live. There's a few dirt roads around here that make the GS the "itch" of choice..... :p

07-17-2004, 03:26 PM
I know what you mean, We were at the dealer a couple weeks ago. 1150RT is a liitle ( ok a lot) for me at only 5'6" but the F650CS fit pretty well. Nice picture, what model is that?

Jr ///M5
07-17-2004, 04:01 PM
It's the "plain jane" R1100, I believe this one is a '99 model. I sat on one today, felt very balanced and light underneath. Can't imagine the RT model, at 6'1" I think my knees would hit the fairing. Very comfortable position on the R1100 though.

I grew up running on the dirt roads and logger trails, once the front wheel goes into that rut at speed......used to have a propane torch at home so I could straighten out the handlebars =)

It's hard to decide which one I like best, the looks of the R1100RS are great, then there's the R1100RT which is my favorite so far, but the R1100S with the tailpipes out under the seat is growing on me. Ten to twelve G's for a new 1150 ain't gonna happen.....but a nice, well taken care of '96-'99 can be had for 6-8k, which ain't gonna happen either, but it's fun to look!

George M
07-17-2004, 04:14 PM
kind of where I am at Jr...love to look and would love to have one but the other side of me knows the risk. There are just so many rotten drivers out there...the odds are stacked against you on the street...particularly in this age of cell phones that are allowed in my state while driving which is an abomination. That said, there is no bigger rush than winding on a superbike and hence my hunger continues. I really like many styles of bike including the some of the radical customs.

Jr ///M5
07-17-2004, 04:47 PM
Truer words were never spoken George, the allure of winding roads beckons the call, but all it takes is one priss in a SUV yacking on the cell phone to cripple you forever.

Watching Speed on TV, the Hondas are mopping up the track with unheard of acceleration and handling that belies anything on earth. Just watching them race at Road America, Sebring, or any other track that they'll visit this summer, makes me "tense up" as they carve their way through the curves at remarkable speeds. The RR1000 Hondas are $10.9K and race ready with 180 hp pushing 370 lbs....they'll do 100mph in first gear!!!

I think that's more than this ol' bod can take. Good thing they didn't make 'em like that when I was younger....=)

George M
07-17-2004, 04:54 PM
IMHO is there was ever was a definition of brass balls...it has to be the young kids that pilot those superbikes around closed coarses at break neck speeds. I watch them in amazement. Formula 1 is something to behold but these guys do it on two wheels.

mike wong
07-17-2004, 05:07 PM
or a driver's school.
that'll scratch the itch.

Jr ///M5
07-17-2004, 05:13 PM
Was watching them go 'round the Nuremburg (sp?) for Europe's Superbike Competition, at 210 mph a Japanese rider wiped out. He was going straight down the track after a turn and the rear end started to shimmy. The poor guy looked like a rag doll as he flew through the air, bouncing off the track. After what seemed like an eternity, when he finally came to a stop, the rescue teams were there RIGHT NOW......soon, he waved his arm and the announcer stated, "He's alright".......I'll bet the medic tied his arm to a stick and waved it for him....

Yes, it's an unbelieveable spectacle to watch those brass ball young 'uns.......


Jr ///M5
07-17-2004, 05:16 PM
Hey Mike,

I took the 318iS to an Autocross and it just pissed me off....=)


mike wong
07-17-2004, 05:24 PM
out at the track is where you'll have fun with the M5.

Jr ///M5
07-17-2004, 05:32 PM
I'm scared of the M5....=)

If the M5 had the same weight to hp ratio that the RR1000 Honda did.....

It would be around 1800 hp......imagine that one around the track!

now that scares me!!!

07-17-2004, 08:31 PM
Hey what do you guys think about an older (mid 70's) R90 or someting similar for a first bike? I've never owned one before, Rode a friend's CBR once a few years ago- that thing was insane. I need to take the safety course maybe next spring. Thinking about something around $2000 or less just to ride around around the back roads here. I would love a newer F650 but too much money. I was at the dealer a few weeks ago and the salesman actually told me an R1150RT was a good first bike. I couldn't reach the ground but he said they could lower the seat. Then he told me the F650 was good too. I asked about used ones to start out with and he said it was better to go new for safety reasons. Any thoughts?

Jr ///M5
07-17-2004, 08:56 PM
Especially your first one...the fact of the matter is, you're going to put it down eventually, the dealer sounds like he's just wanting to move bikes. Get something that you can touch the ground with, and start from there. Don't buy new for your very first one, find a nice used one that someone took decent care of and learn to ride.
When you've mastered the art, and the necessary safety skills, and you feel like you're ready, then trade up to the next one. All the time improving your skill and technique until you get to where you feel comfortable without risking yourself or others.

Where you want to go is up to you, be warned that bikes aren't that dangerous, it's the other "idiots" that George refers to, that will have your lunch.

It never was a safe sport, and it certainly isn't getting any better.


07-17-2004, 09:05 PM
Yeah, even I could tell he was full of **** and trying to move a new $16,000 bike. Anybody that tells me I can handle a bike that tall and HEAVY doesn't have my best interests in mind. I do love the look of the 1150RT though. I also like the look of the old R90's too. Someday maybe...

07-17-2004, 10:43 PM
tell ya what. I'll buy the R1100RT, and trade you the M5 for it :D

07-19-2004, 12:46 AM
The older BM' bikes are amazing in their own way as the cars we gather here to discuss. I would definitely recommend a good R90. They are not overly powerful, but ridden well can cut up the miles quickly and they have relatively few bad habits.

They are simple, bullet proof and I've seen them with 200 and 300 thousand miles on the clock and still going strong without major surgery.

I agree with other comments here that it is the other idiots who make it dangerous. Key thing is to take responsibility for yourself. Get the training, practice defensive driving/riding and take your fun where and when you can get it with some degree of safety.

I think it was the Cannonball Run theme song that said it best. "It's not what you've got, it's how you use it ..."