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View Full Version : big FAT speeding ticket. NYers help!

07-14-2004, 08:22 AM
I was driving from PA to montreal and I learneed that his car is by far the smoothest car at over a 100 that I have ever had. I love it!

Luckily I slowed down to a nice 82 when I got to the WORK ZONE which had 55. Of course it was a typical work zone with NO WORKERS in sight and just a bunch of orange cones.

So i got pulled over at 82 in a 55 in a workzone so that's double. New York Tickets do not tell you how much they are. You have to either plead guilty or non guilty and mail it in...THEN they tell you.

Any new yorkers have any idea how much I am looking at? The points don't travel to my state so at this point its just the sheer money that I am gulping at. I also got another speeding ticket in NY in january that I never mailed in because I lost it. They never contacted me about it, but I am sure it exists.

I really don't have $500 to throw away :(

07-14-2004, 08:30 AM
If you call the county clerk's office, they refuse to tell you?

No matter what, you're probably going to be pleading guilty to it and mailing it in, since you probably don't want to take another trip to NY for a court appearance. You may be able to get a lawyer to appear in your stead, but you'd have to check the listings for traffic lawyers in that county.

Where in NY was it?

07-14-2004, 10:05 AM
well, in TX, the signs say "fines double....when workers present"

07-14-2004, 10:38 AM
well, in TX, the signs say "fines double....when workers present"

Our speed reduced zones apply regardless of workers present or not. The fines are doubled. So, the last speeder I heard about, 80 in a 55, got a regular fine of $200. Sounds like you are looking at $400-500. I'm out West, not in NY, so good luck.

ryan roopnarine
07-14-2004, 10:47 AM
rates begin at about 1/3 down the page, section 1, paragraph ii


ryan roopnarine
07-14-2004, 10:54 AM
looks like its the 180 to 360 dollar range, plus additional charge for the old ticket, plus the cost of the old ticket.

632 Regal
07-14-2004, 11:01 AM
lose this one too?

07-14-2004, 11:06 AM
My New York ticket a few months ago.... 74 in a 55... Fine $90.. Surchage $55.. Total... $145... sou your lookin at bout $350

I was driving from PA to montreal and I learneed that his car is by far the smoothest car at over a 100 that I have ever had. I love it!

Luckily I slowed down to a nice 82 when I got to the WORK ZONE which had 55. Of course it was a typical work zone with NO WORKERS in sight and just a bunch of orange cones.

So i got pulled over at 82 in a 55 in a workzone so that's double. New York Tickets do not tell you how much they are. You have to either plead guilty or non guilty and mail it in...THEN they tell you.

Any new yorkers have any idea how much I am looking at? The points don't travel to my state so at this point its just the sheer money that I am gulping at. I also got another speeding ticket in NY in january that I never mailed in because I lost it. They never contacted me about it, but I am sure it exists.

I really don't have $500 to throw away :(

07-14-2004, 12:54 PM
Wish I could, but I make the drive to Montreal a few times a year. Pretty soon there will be a warrant out for my arrest!!

Thanks for all the help guys. $300 isn't as bad as I had anticipated.

lose this one too?

Wish I could, but

07-20-2004, 03:00 AM
try this, i dont know how similar it is in NY but it worked amazingly well for me in california and got me out of a ticket with no troubles and i didn't even have to go to court or anything, check it out. Hopefully NY has the same sort of deal. http://ticketassassin.com/

07-20-2004, 05:33 AM
Then don't drive so fast! IMO, 82 in a work zone, even if no people appear to be present is not being very responsible. Sorry.

07-20-2004, 12:57 PM
depends on the road........weather conditions....time of day....and amount of traffic. Mostly you are correct though.