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View Full Version : Stripping clear off M-Parallels post 2022

632 Regal
03-06-2022, 08:09 PM

I have tried 4 "consumer" paint strippers and no love at all. If I want them to work I need to use a wire wheel / brush or grind. If I do that it will mess up the finish of the original. I could just give up and paint the barrels but then again I have to deal with the partial softened clear coat. It all needs to go. Since the EPA basically banned the main ingredient (methylene chloride) in paint strippers for the people we have very little to work with. I have spent literally 7 days researching options. There seems to be none yet.

I will try the local body shop supplier and see what transpires.

So far for us little folks we are not loved.

632 Regal
03-07-2022, 06:11 PM
Just got back from the suppler. They are not allowed to sell anything with methylene chloride because they sell to the public. Closest I can find is industrial suppliers but you have to be a legit paint facility and it's 5 gallon minimum. So besides the business aspect that's over $500.00 plus shipping. Still thinking on this.

632 Regal
03-10-2022, 04:56 PM
Enough of this nonsense! I am going to make something, whether it works or not? I have compiled the basics from a few MSDS on different strippers that used to work. The ingredients differ slightly and some use stuff the others use or don't use... you know secrets.

The main ingredient of all is Methylene Chloride or Dichlormethane which are the same thing difft names (is available just not in a stripper mixture). The MSDS says 40-80% in all, I will assume it is around 60-80%. I will try to make some sort of list that makes more sense but it will be hard due to the different ingredients. I will sublist the various ingredients as I found. some will overlap because they just do.

1) Methylene Chloride (Dichloromethane) 40-80%

a. Petrogas, liquified, sweetened 10-30%
b. Propane isobutane, N-Butane 10-30%
c. Methanol max 10%

a. Methanol 1-5%
b. Methanol 3-7%

a. Polyphenyl Ethoxylate 1-5%
b. Triethanolamine (Trilamine) 1-5%
c. Parrafin wax 1-3%
d. Ethyl Alcohol / Ethanol

In other reading I have tried to put something together that makes more sense.

1) Methylene Chloride
2) Methanol - So it's water soluble? (Fuel line anti freeze or Dry Gas)
3) Mineral Spirits / Paint Thinner - so you can blend it together?
4) Methylcellulose - Thickener (Wall paper glue)
5) Parrifin Wax - So it don't evaporate fast
6) Ethanene Glycol - So it doesn't evaporate fast
7) Ethyl Alcohol / Ethanol - So it's water soluble?

I am missing Methylcellulose which I will grab a tub of tomorrow. I have most of the rest but I don't want to mix a batch up and have it run off the wheel.

To be continued...

632 Regal
03-18-2022, 03:01 PM
The methylcellulose works great to thicken it but the MC evaporates too fast. Not having great luck mixing the wax into anything yet but I didn't try very hard yet.


632 Regal
03-20-2022, 07:31 PM
DHL reported an attempted delivery, we were here whatever. More to come of this.

I got some acetone and have kerosene which should liquefy the wax, it didn't. Neither on their own or mixed. Temperature was 60 degrees so that may be the issue. I just want to strip these things, don't want a chemical engineering degree or whatnot. Losing hope kinda but not giving up.

632 Regal
03-22-2022, 07:37 PM
Strippers did arrive from NZ. The things you have to do to get real strippers these days.


Went for the wide wheel that was not participating with the store bought strippers. This is not a golden bullet at all. It does however soften the paint? whatever it is enough to scrape off. I did realize it also was eating my plastic scraper so I went to metal after checking if it would jack up the non polished parts and it seems to be fine. I am using a brass brush in the corners that I can't scrape. I will work on the other wide wheel that the finish seems to hate to be removed and then go to the front skinnies that seemed to delaminate from the current crap strippers available. Man this is a lot of work and money. Just buy a good set of wheels. I didn't even start on the massive curb rash yet.

632 Regal
03-23-2022, 07:45 PM
The fronts are the ones with the stubborn coating. The rears are not that bad but still not easy. Got both fronts done preliminary, got one rear done tonight. Once done they will all have to be gone over with more stripper and a brass brush but at least the coating kinda melts.

If I had to do it all over I would have just spent the money on a refinished set long as the lips weren't thin. That was the thing that stopped me from getting a redone set. Redone sets they spin them and cut down the lip to remove rash and look true. They can get very thin.

Other than that update this pretty much sucks. To think I was 100 bux shy of a good set makes me rethink it all. I spent half but ended up spending 300 extra just to get the clear off. Plus the time and effort. Not considering the final cleaning and sanding and polishing if needed plus the clear coat....

Just save up and get something decent in the first place. This sucks. I'm not done though lol. I will post it all as I go. Sorry about lack of pics, I don't care to even know what I am going through at the moment.

03-27-2022, 04:14 AM
Mate, this sounds tortuous! For a moment thought we might lose you in some disastrous household industrial fire.

Why not sand blast 'em? Or take them somewhere to get done, and maybe powder coated?

I had a set powder coated silver once, superb finish, very resilient and all done for a case of beer.

632 Regal
03-29-2022, 08:56 PM
Taking them in here costs 125-200 each wheel for refinishing. Blasting doesn't work cause it bounces off the clear lol. And if it did it would ruin the factory machine finish which I am trying to save except the lips those would look cool polished. More about that in another post.

632 Regal
03-29-2022, 09:10 PM
Okay... Another fun update without pictures as usual. I got the clear off finally and filed the rash down figuring I'll sand the lip and barrel down to polish. I sanded the file marks smooth and started to sand the lips with 400, not cutting at all. Almost like the surface is a thick paint, you can see the difference where I filed it smooth right next to the factory finish. Where I filed is aluminum shiny but the finish is not budging at all. It does however clog the sandpaper pretty easy.

I then tried 320 grit which should do the job with no effort. Wrong, it kinda isn't doing anything but freak me out about what I may be getting into. Regular bare aluminum alloy would not have such an issue. I am afraid of going coarser and that not doing the job then what? If it does kinda work but not all the way these will have to be painted all over and look like garbage. I wish I had a spare wheel to experiment with.

I will try wet sanding tomorrow and see if that works. If not then we go to the 220... then 150... 80? Take the grinder with 36 grit?

I'll post some pics tomorrow? LoL I put a posty note on the middle of my monitor, that should remind me.

03-29-2022, 11:44 PM
I will try wet sanding tomorrow and see if that works. If not then we go to the 220... then 150... 80? Take the grinder with 36 grit? I'll post some pics tomorrow? LoL I put a posty note on the middle of my monitor, that should remind me.

I reckon the factory finishes them with powder, it's stronger than most 2 pack paints iirc.

And yes, abrasives to deal with hard coatings on top of soft aluminium, sounds a challenge for sure.

There is some stuff, Benco C17, or you can make a home-made mix- check out this guy's how-to:

It's a bit organic... but uh... it sounds only slightly more dangerous than your 'potion' ;)

632 Regal
03-30-2022, 08:28 PM
This shyt is unbelievable if it's a coating. Strippers wont touch it at all. I sanded it a bit and stripper didn't see it. I'm thinking something in the forging process which doesn't make sense. Whatever. I used a DA and 150 I think, old paper that got oil on it and blows apart ... nevermind. I only did the lip, was supposed to figure how to grind the barrels but didn't have time yet. And I took a picture of that but it didn't show up so that's missing. I'll post what I got.

I sanded the complete lips on all 4. I am committed now. Just need to figure out how to cut this layer without messing it up.

632 Regal
03-31-2022, 07:42 PM
No power sanding materials at the tool store so I grabbed some 150 to cut the mystery coating. Wont work with water so went with dry sanding. About 2 hours I almost got one barrel done. Almost. Then there are 3 more, I cant wait! I have read everything I could find before jumping into this, there is no coating on the aluminum. They are all wrong. Yeah I know, no pics.... sigh. I need to force my little ipad or whatever it is to work on this site so I can post pics. Just thinking of options right now, this hand sanding sucks.

632 Regal
04-01-2022, 03:10 PM



632 Regal
04-02-2022, 07:32 PM
400 grit on da. 8858

632 Regal
04-06-2022, 07:35 PM

DA sanding is okay, just not good if you don't see WTF you are doing. This is not like painting a car. Very different. Trying to buff or wheel you will see that the da sanding failed. Resanded with 1000, 1500 and 2000. Then used the drill buffer taking time with the cutting stuff. About done with it, 3 more to go. I will never do this again. Ever. Just buy the wheels you want and be done. If I ever finish this I'll get tires and hope the wheels are straight.

632 Regal
04-10-2022, 08:36 PM
For those that think I'm hallucinating, that hard finish below the clear I was talking about?

Anodized aluminum creates a surface that is three times harder than standard aluminum, and will not chip, flake, or peel, even when processed to add color. Because the anodization process is controlled oxidation of the aluminum, the product will also never rust, patina, or weather. Anodized aluminum is one of the toughest, most versatile metal products on the market.

Anodized aluminum has an appearance that lends beauty to any item. When left natural, anodized aluminum is a bright new silver color, and can be anodized in a way that leaves either a matte or bright finish.

632 Regal
04-10-2022, 08:58 PM
Now the issue is that soft aluminum shows micro scratches. From the 2000 grit. So I go through the polishing steps on all wheels and it's not a bright mirror finish, more like a milky semi shining finish.

Through a 10X loupe you can see them scratches in vivid detail, bazillions of them. The scratches that remain are from the compounds I have been using and not the 2000 grit paper. Trying to avoid anything with oil or wax cause I have to paint the silver stuff and then clear the things. I tried 000 steel wool which enhances it's own scratches but leaves a different look lol. Should I re-sand it with 3000, 4000, 5000 then 10,000? I don't think so. I think I will try some paint swirl remover with the buffing wheel and see how that goes.

Soo... this is where I'm at right now.

(I forgot the pictures).

632 Regal
04-11-2022, 05:38 PM
Cleaning up for the silver Wurth paint. Going to worry about the shiny later.



632 Regal
04-12-2022, 04:06 PM
Rash and stuff prior.


632 Regal
04-27-2022, 08:10 PM
A second redo cause I didn't like the finish of the rear wheels. The front wheels with the extraterrestrial clear finish, the aluminum is softer than on the rear wheels. The fronts wheeled out okay but the rears still wont polish up past the 2000 grit. So after respraying with the rest of the Wurth paint I can try try again or say... can't say here but the point is I am very fatigued of it all. The fronts are very shiney for sure, not mirror but close. The rears suck in comparison. I did upload a bunch of pictures but am unable to post them right now. Just don'e want to get into that part. I am thinking 3000, 4000 and 5000 grit actually has a purpose now. Not going to do it to the rears but I bet that is whats missing. The clear paint does not hide any sand or wheel scratches at all. If your wheel shows sanding then after clear you will see them. Why did I bother?

632 Regal
04-29-2022, 05:49 PM
Pictures... Notice the width of the spokes and the edge where it blends into the barrel on the rears. Same part number and all. So I attempted to re-clear with a somewhat satisfactory failure but should be workable. Those pics will come later in another post.

Note: When spraying high solids clear you DO NOT max the flow and use low pressure! Those people telling you that want you to fail, and I did. I didn't figure that out in time but know for next time. Anyways pics in no particular order.








632 Regal
05-15-2022, 03:44 PM
Current state of affairs:

I don't want to discuss it.

632 Regal
05-15-2022, 09:07 PM
Redo 3. The clear sucked and looked to be too much BS to sand and wheel so lets do it again I guess. Store stripper works on fresh clear okay. Definitely not great but works. That was 3rd try with stripper. Don't want to waste the real stuff on it yet.

Thinking I will just pound on some old school Buick hubcaps and call it done. Should have I spent 2500 on mint M-Pars? Not a chance this is much more rewarding.

07-05-2022, 08:33 AM
Redo 3. The clear sucked and looked to be too much BS to sand and wheel so lets do it again I guess. Store stripper works on fresh clear okay. Definitely not great but works. That was 3rd try with stripper. Don't want to waste the real stuff on it yet.

Thinking I will just pound on some old school Buick hubcaps and call it done. Should have I spent 2500 on mint M-Pars? Not a chance this is much more rewarding.

Admire your heroic perseverance from afar, the far away continents took years of toil, frustration, and at the end, sheer luck and the ability to overcome waves of pestilence.

Well done, no way you can stop now. At least they look really super, even if you are not happy with the finish, yet...

632 Regal
07-13-2022, 09:50 PM
Admire your heroic perseverance from afar, the far away continents took years of toil, frustration, and at the end, sheer luck and the ability to overcome waves of pestilence.

Well done, no way you can stop now. At least they look really super, even if you are not happy with the finish, yet...

I am working on flipping X3's so that took all the room of continuing the effort on these things. It also leaves me a great break to rethink things when I do choose to restart the M-Pars. One is the sanding step. I bought 2000-7000 grit so for the rears that don't polish I have that option of stepping up to at least the 4000 before polishing and clear coating. The clear coat I am using does bond to polished aluminum which is pretty much a rare situation. I like that idea I can get the finish like I want and then clean and clear. As I mentioned in this thread the fronts are a softer material that can be wheeled out for the shine, the rears are much harder finish.

One of my friends that has been watching my continued efforts told me to just paint them black and be done. Lol... Once I start again I think it will be my final effort no matter how they turn out. They however will be better than the last time which is progress... right?

632 Regal
08-22-2022, 08:20 PM
This post didn't die, just took a break. Probably hit it soon.

632 Regal
08-23-2022, 06:16 PM
Only dealing with the rears that won't polish up. Did 600 and 800. Don't take long but lack of motivation.

632 Regal
09-26-2022, 05:45 PM
1500 and 2000 so far. 8875
Looks the same or worse, I don't care, my arms hurt.

10-03-2022, 08:31 PM
don't care, just install the wheels, after some thousands of miles there is enough brake dust which covers all this.

10-06-2022, 07:19 AM
don't care, just install the wheels, after some thousands of miles there is enough brake dust which covers all this.
Nah, he's into it now, the enthusiasm of a round of days toil every month is all that motivates Jeff between posts.

One day, those rears will pop up and he'll be telling us the magic method. Let's hope, for his sake!

Such a classic wheel for e34, the investment made won't be a waste, unless V.Putin makes us all a waste that is

It's almost as painful as our great friend in Munich, M539 Restorations - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/c/M539Restorations) and his years of effort restoring that blown Alpina B12

632 Regal
10-23-2022, 06:22 PM
Using this thread to remember what grit I was on. Think I did 2000 2X but not sure so I'll start a new round of 2000 and then 3000.

I did spin these on the rear axle of the car and 2 are not quite round, marked the high and low spots with one of my kids crayons and made a jig to straighten them with a bottle jack. Some creaking and cracking sounds and stuff but not willing to put them back on and check. That part is just done.

My investing on buy and sell vehicles hit a road block this summer so I am broke, can't get tires so no big rush. Then I think about adding coolant and steering fluid every time I want to drive it... Things were different before when I had money and a working garage.

632 Regal
11-08-2022, 09:34 PM
Nov 08 2022 and I walk by these things at least a couple times a week. I don't like them, they remind me of bad times or something. I think I will hit them again tomorrow, weather should be okay for a clear coat. I hope I can get to that point.

Looking back they didn't really look bad but to me after all the work they looked like shyt. I would choose the prior look over redoing the rears again. Then again I stripped the fronts so I am at mass doing it all again. Just a couple more grades of paper, and a clean, and a tape, and a spray of silver, and a cleanup, strip, and then a coat of clear. See this is really simple stuff after all.

632 Regal
11-18-2022, 08:16 PM
Weather turned to cold quick, very cold. Might hit the other fine grits, cant really do anything outside and the wheels are inside the garage. A little kerosene heater action and an hour or two. If I do anything. You can almost feel the motivation with this. I am so close but cant clear in sub zero temps. It is one thing I have to at least get done. 'Might' 'Maybe' 'if'. I got lots of excuses.

How lame am I? I Got to, GOT to at least sand that stuff tomorrow.

I just hope whatever it turns our like will be acceptable and help others. So far to me I am not impressed, lol. Go figure.

11-24-2022, 09:39 PM
Weather turned to cold quick, very cold. Might hit the other fine grits, cant really do anything outside and the wheels are inside the garage. A little kerosene heater action and an hour or two. If I do anything. You can almost feel the motivation with this. I am so close but cant clear in sub zero temps. It is one thing I have to at least get done. 'Might' 'Maybe' 'if'. I got lots of excuses.

How lame am I? I Got to, GOT to at least sand that stuff tomorrow.

I just hope whatever it turns our like will be acceptable and help others. So far to me I am not impressed, lol. Go figure.


Keep em coming. There will be beautiful pics at the end of this, I just know it...

632 Regal
11-30-2022, 06:16 PM

Keep em coming. There will be beautiful pics at the end of this, I just know it...

I hope so lol. Not sure if we're going to have anymore warm days to paint clear but still need to sand, buff, tape and spray that primer and Wurth silver paint. That Wurth stuff is the nicest silver I ever used. You can just spray it and it will be the same lame silver you see all over but if you lay a few light coats and then a thicker coat the flakes stand out really cool. Post 22 has pics but that doesn't do it any justice.

632 Regal
04-30-2023, 07:47 PM
04/30/2023 Next is 3000
Reminder where I was.
Only on rears, fronts polish right up.

bimmer nut
09-28-2023, 07:53 AM
Are those my old M-Parallels? Nice.

632 Regal
09-28-2023, 08:23 PM
Not the Borbets lol.

bimmer nut
10-03-2023, 06:00 AM
Not the Borbets lol.Oops, been a long time.

632 Regal
01-07-2024, 07:12 PM
Took almost a year and a half off these things lol. Need to get a can of the Wurth paint, might have enough but I know how that goes. Next step would be looking for tires but winter again and not in any type of hurry.

Haven't driven the 530 except for a few long trips. Battery only has 5 working cells now but still will do long distance things. I bring my new Bosch alternator with me as an insurance policy.

Jump from the big charger box she fires up and away we go. Amazing really, a car that just sits for many months at a time able to do cruises of thousands of miles with no issues (except the battery) and excessive lifter tick until warm first start. Would buy a battery but it will just sit. All the distance trips are like half day notice and not possible to grab a 93 battery. Haha... Hopping in and going for hours long cruises.... White knuckled freaking out easily agitated unhappy road trip. It all fades in an hour or so, less of all and much more confident. After a few hours no fears at all, like it's a trusty daily. Hard to honestly describe. That's when cruising at substantial speeds above posted limits make me wonder why they have posted limits. Then I pass a patch of cars that probably shouldn't even be on the road lol.
