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07-10-2021, 03:21 PM
Used LevelQuick RS self leveling. Made a grid of planks, each adjusted to new floor level, and poured in, and screed right over each one, overflowing into the next square.


632 Regal
07-10-2021, 03:38 PM
Never used that stuff yet, sounds easy. How much did you end up using?

07-10-2021, 04:30 PM
Never used that stuff yet, sounds easy. How much did you end up using?

34 bags for 450 square feet. It sounds easy alright, but it's not. It really doesn't self level as I expected, so had to setup the grid with literally each plank set to level,, to pour into each one. It's back breaking, got to stand and mix, then carry, then pour, then screed. First 3-4 buckets are alright, then you slowly get the pain. The whole process wrecks your lower back. I poured 6, then extended the grid, poured another 11, then extended the grid to the last wall and poured 7. Prior to this I poured 10 bags, without the grid, and no screeding, and it came out uneven. So really, no self leveling as expected. Must screed.

07-10-2021, 04:43 PM
Never used that stuff yet, sounds easy.

Literally each one had been set to expected level. Not easy at all, took so long.


632 Regal
07-11-2021, 06:56 PM
I did read that in comments about this. Got to level it with trowels and stuff to get it somewhat level. Was going to use this in my garage but reading those comments I waited. Not sure my house could handle the extra weight either. I won't.

It however does look ok to put down ceramic tile or laminate, what is the final goal?

07-12-2021, 11:43 PM
what is the final goal?

Doubt that extra weight could be really critical. Of course, you do your own research for own good. But just as an opinion, you carry a bucket, it's pretty heavy, but it spreads over a large area, plus if the floor can hold furniture which is much more concentrated force, then the spread out weight of a 5 gallon cement should not add that much. Normally structures take 6 times nominal load. I will be using this on the second floor as well, albeit will level as much of it with the planer and belt sander, that floor is wood.

Regarding the final result, will be laying clickable laminate planks on the vinyl substrate. Vinyl is water proof and very strong, got me sold.

BTW thinking of garage usage, the layer is not strong enough to be used bare, it is easily sanded and scratched. Not meant for usage as a final exposed surface.

632 Regal
07-13-2021, 03:41 AM
BTW thinking of garage usage, the layer is not strong enough to be used bare, it is easily sanded and scratched. Not meant for usage as a final exposed surface.

Good point, I didn't look into it enough to learn that.