View Full Version : A vid showing how to open the doors and hood on an BMW i8 if the power goes out

ryan roopnarine
01-03-2015, 12:01 PM
Stuff's crazy--I guess the front "hood" is where the electrical engine is located? Gotta love the BMW mechanic guy implying that the front hood "really shouldn't be opened anywhere other than in a shop"


ryan roopnarine
01-03-2015, 12:07 PM
Additionally, you have to smile when the guy points out that the only way to hold the front hood open is to shove a screwdriver in a hinge hole on each side (and that two people are required to open the hood to keep it from flexing and scratching.

632 Regal
01-03-2015, 02:55 PM
Not real impressed, like a brand new substandard vehicle. Can't open the hood with one person?

01-05-2015, 09:12 AM
It's clearly a prototype. They've taken it to production without adequate testing. No doubt marketing demanded it be released as its 'good enough' in their eyes.

After the first model they'll have garnered enough user feedback (burned new customers) that they'll demand the sensible door latches and hood hatch be fitted, let alone fix the problem causing the hood to flex, etc.

What a professional result! Gotta love it when marketing starts calls the shots in engineering dept.