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View Full Version : How much of a parts car can you use without title issues?

03-25-2013, 06:53 PM
This is a BMW project, not e34 however.
The car in question has a salvage title from an accident some years ago. The repaired areas are suffering from post stress rust in the bent areas. If I cut a cowl and part of a floor out of a parts car and drill the spotwelds, I will have a good clean rust free bend free repair part. Since the vin tag is on the old section and another one is on the new section will I be on someones bad-boy list if I move the old vin tag to the new location? I will replace the cowl panel that has the vin stamped on it. I ask this question here because the quality of answers is typically better than on the kid populated forums. I have titles for both the parts car and my car. The title for the parts car wasn't transferred to the guy I got it from however. He was going to make a race car.

03-26-2013, 07:06 AM
If you can make do with the parts car... register that car and make that a good car.

All that work to make a salvage titled car good is questionable in whether it is worth the effort or the structural integrity of the car.

03-26-2013, 11:34 AM
Parts car in it's entirety is a bit different than the original but the parts to be used in the repair are identical. I can get into specifics if needed. The structural integrity has been discussed with an automotive engineer that works for a company that makes the same type of components as a supplier to Chrysler and is not an issue with the equipment and expertise of those involved in the project.

04-02-2013, 07:19 AM
If a VIN number fell off in the workshop, would anyone hear?

Of course, it will only be obvious if someone looks.

Clearly no simple answer here.

I always thought it'd be okay if you leave the old VIN there with the new one 'added' on top (ideally exquisitely done so it cannot be 'seen'). Keep evidence if anyone asks that the entire cowl was in fact replaced- along with the details of the donor (inc pics).

Noone would take you to court if you had all that- and the car has been properly repaired. In the end it is just a car with 2 VIN numbers, one real, one 'added underneath' in a way that cannot be seen.

The original one has not been removed or tampered with in this instance... lol!