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View Full Version : E34 IHKA/sword failure mode

Paul in NZ
06-26-2010, 06:15 AM
Being a wet coolish day here to day needed to use the windscreen demister button(the fan goes fullspeed) but after a couple of seconds the fan seemed to stop.I still seem to have the lowest speed but thats all.....is it the "sword" or something else?(Brand new 75 amp hour battery yesterday)

tim eh?
06-26-2010, 08:27 AM
Being a wet coolish day here to day needed to use the windscreen demister button(the fan goes fullspeed) but after a couple of seconds the fan seemed to stop.I still seem to have the lowest speed but thats all.....is it the "sword" or something else?(Brand new 75 amp hour battery yesterday)
did a bad alt kill the batt? ...just throwing it out there.

06-26-2010, 07:05 PM
sword "failure " usually results in slow speed or full speed and nothin in between- not heard of slow only but they are a tempermental beast !

Paul in NZ
06-27-2010, 07:51 PM
did a bad alt kill the batt? ...just throwing it out there.

nope a ruptured achilles tendon left the car sitting for the best part of two months with a battery that had been run down cos some half wit left the parking lights on.Why does the car have a warning for everything else EXCEPT leaving the park lights on.I do have full speed and minimum speed only so i guess its the sword then

06-27-2010, 08:37 PM
Why does the car have a warning for everything else EXCEPT leaving the park lights on.

In Europe they have to use the parking lights when they park outside town during night time on the street, at least in Germany. That is why one can switch only one side of the parking lights on, either left front/rear or right front rear.
That is done with the turning light stalk, see owners manual, at least it is described in the European version.
Turn the stalk over a certain resistance and the parking light is on on one side.

tim eh?
06-27-2010, 09:15 PM
nope a ruptured achilles tendon left the car sitting for the best part of two months with a battery that had been run down cos some half wit left the parking lights on.Why does the car have a warning for everything else EXCEPT leaving the park lights on.I do have full speed and minimum speed only so i guess its the sword then

ouch! I have a "lights on?" warning even when just my parking lights are on.

In Europe they have to use the parking lights when they park outside town during night time on the street, at least in Germany. That is why one can switch only one side of the parking lights on, either left front/rear or right front rear.
That is done with the turning light stalk, see owners manual, at least it is described in the European version.
Turn the stalk over a certain resistance and the parking light is on on one side.

That is crazy cool.