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tim eh?
06-09-2010, 02:44 PM
I propose an easy one... for bragging rights.

16 teams advance to the last 16 (obviously:p) - 1 point for each team on your list
8 teams to the quarterfinals - 2 points each team
4 teams to the semis - 4 points
2 teams to the finals - 8 points
1 winner - 15 big points!!!

deadline 3pm GMT/ 10am EST June 11 no edits allowed at all, once you have posted it is posted! (is it possible to enforce this?)

tim eh?
06-09-2010, 02:49 PM
here's mine






yes i know rio got a booboo... call me crazy....

06-09-2010, 04:35 PM
England to win?

Remember what Gary Linecker once said :p

"Soccer is a game for 22 people that run around, play the ball, and one referee who makes a slew of mistakes, and in the end Germany always wins." Gary Lineker

06-10-2010, 04:41 AM
England to win?

Remember what Gary Linecker once said :p

"Soccer is a game for 22 people that run around, play the ball, and one referee who makes a slew of mistakes, and in the end Germany always wins." Gary Lineker

Excellent quotation:D
Odds of USA beating England this weekend are only 5/1!

06-10-2010, 05:41 AM
My son is a sports fotographer, he just called me yesterday from Europe that he was leaving for South Africa to the worldcup. I have to wait with my bids till I get insider feedback :D
here some pics from him


06-12-2010, 07:20 PM
OMG: USA<>England 1:1

England was shocked when USA got a chance for a goal in the 40th minute of the World Cup 2010 football match. It was Clint Dempsey who got off a left-footed shot that bounced twice on its way to finally secure a goal for USA. England’s goalkeeper Robert Green was not able to completely blocked the ball as it bounced off his hands and rolled slowly into the goal.

Group C MP W D L Pts
England 1 0 1 0 1
United States 1 0 1 0 1
Slovenia 0 0 0 0 0
Algeria 0 0 0 0 0

and the first pics from my son at site

tim eh?
06-13-2010, 07:01 AM
errr.... a little to the right please.


well... I just devasted the record previously made trying to access the heater core. (loudest expletive to come out of my mouth.... actually I think I beat it a few times)

06-13-2010, 10:23 AM
loudest expletive to come out of my mouth....
There were one or two here when he let that goal in:(
I'm waiting for a knock on the door and to be charged with treason, but it has to be said USA did well.

06-13-2010, 05:40 PM
England to win?

Remember what Gary Linecker once said :p

"Soccer is a game for 22 people that run around, play the ball, and one referee who makes a slew of mistakes, and in the end Germany always wins." Gary Lineker

from a local website, a couple of quotes following today's game:

Efficient. Ruthless. Cold-blooded.

Indeed, the score flattered Australia. Had Klose and Mesut Oezil been more clinical in front of net, the Germans could have easily won 8-0.

06-13-2010, 09:55 PM
I watched Germany Australia on TV, great game by the Germans.
Espcially the "young guns" are impressive, complete new feeling for German style soccer. Thomas Mueller is only 20, Ozil, etc
Germany tend to be called "efficient", "robotic" or even "dour". They deserve more glowing praise and it would be a good thing for the World Cup as a whole if some of the other countries were to take note and replicate their commitment to attack.
Though Klose scored only three times in the Bundesliga last season he has now scored 11 times at the World Cup finals and can harbour a realistic hope of reaching Ronaldo's tournament record of 15. Werder Bremen's Ozil showed why so many clubs, including Manchester City, are monitoring his potential availability. Podolski was excellent and Müller, at 20, played with a composure and an appreciation of the game above his years.

Podolski and Klose: lots of discusssions before the cup in Germany to take them to South Africa or not because they did not have a good Bundesliga season this year. But the coach took them and it seems to work.
And all that without the injured Ballack!

06-13-2010, 10:35 PM
--great game by the Germans.

Yeah, I think they're marked men now though; we'll see if they can keep it up?! I think tim eh? may have to replace england w/ germany. :D

06-14-2010, 02:44 AM
I know i did not meet the deadline but I will do it just for fun

16 - Mexico, France, argentina, Greece, England, USA, Germany, Serbia, Denmarck, Netherlands, Italy, Slovakia, Brazil, Portugal, Spain Switz

8 - France, Argentina, England, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Brazil, Spain

4 - Italy, Spain, Germany, Brazil

2 - Spain and Germany

1 - SPAIN!!!!!

p.s. I have only seen the mexico and USA game

06-14-2010, 03:35 PM
Yeah, I think they're marked men now though; we'll see if they can keep it up?! I think tim eh? may have to replace england w/ germany. :D
Forget football. Can I have that pic on my TV all day instead?;)

06-16-2010, 05:04 PM
The Swiss dont much like the Austrians. But if they were playing the Germans at football they would support them. Now the unthinkable. Switzerland beat Spain! We will all be cycling around with rifles on our backs and spare ammunition in kitchen cupboard if this continues :D

06-16-2010, 07:16 PM
The Swiss dont much like the Austrians. But if they were playing the Germans at football they would support them. Now the unthinkable. Switzerland beat Spain! We will all be cycling around with rifles on our backs and spare ammunition in kitchen cupboard if this continues :D

lol, that was a thing of beauty, eh?…also, yesterday, the way the north koreans managed to hold off the samba kings for as long as they did...:D

06-18-2010, 08:26 AM
well, i think Podolski needs to drink way more ziehlwasser :D

tim eh?
06-18-2010, 12:19 PM
England's new keeper in action....


Yeah, I think they're marked men now though; we'll see if they can keep it up?! I think tim eh? may have to replace england w/ germany. :DI don't think so... ;)

edit:LMAO youtube is full of him!




this is the best one:

06-18-2010, 03:37 PM
Don Fabio's command of English isnt the best. He probably thought that the nickname 'Calamity James' was a good thing. England have played remarkably well but Don Fabio admitted we have had problems with the ball - it cant be the same ball everybody else uses because nobody else has a problem. We just drew 0-0 against Algeria. This is because they wore a green strip and merged with the grass so our players couldnt see them:( I understand that after the USA-England match, some US newspapers had the headline 'We won 1-1'. Well England have drawn twice, so there!
I would have preferred Ruud Gullit as England manager. He was a great player and coined the phrase 'sexy football'. OK he got sacked after that but his heart was in the right place

06-19-2010, 12:43 AM
Forget football. Can I have that pic on my TV all day instead?;)


I don't think so...;)

lol,I hear yah :D… it didn’t help that the ref was handing out yellow cards like they were going out of style; but when you piss away as many chances as germany had today AND manage to collect a red card you don’t deserve to win…it’s as simple as that.

btw, I love the last video you posted...:D

tim eh?
06-19-2010, 07:05 AM
btw, I love the last video you posted...:D
if you like that you'll flip over Tomislav Piplica :D :D :D

06-23-2010, 10:54 AM
US and England through to the next round. French on their way home. Could be a worse day

tim eh?
06-25-2010, 01:39 PM
US and England through to the next round. French on their way home. Could be a worse day

As much as I love the cars I would have been happier to see Germany go home too... here we go...

06-25-2010, 02:28 PM
Maybe Germany has to go home after next game on Sunday against England. But the Germans have a different team this time, young and good technics, midfield is excellent with Mueller, Schweinsteiger and Oezil, but a bit too young and unexperienced against the ones like Rooney and company. BTW, I read:
Wayne Rooney's salary? £90,000 a week from Manchester United and £2m from Pepsi.
Hehe, that is a good one...
Since you arrived on this page at .. Wayne Rooney earned:

Here latest pics from my son from match Brazil - Portugal

06-25-2010, 05:18 PM
Oh man I am dreading Sunday! Its like it was written in the stars that England should play Germany!! I haven't made it to the pub yet for any of the games so I'm making sure I get down there on Sunday because I fear it may the last chance. It's a winable game but it won't be easy!

06-25-2010, 10:56 PM

06-25-2010, 11:22 PM
As much as I love the cars I would have been happier to see Germany go home too... here we go...

Oh man I am dreading Sunday!



FEAR HIM!......muahaha!!!


06-26-2010, 02:43 AM
It's a winable game but it won't be easy!
Provided England have remembered to practice penalties for a change

tim eh?
06-26-2010, 08:26 AM
OK well this is the easiest pool ever to administrate... after group play....

Tim A - 11 pts
BMW4Life - 10 pts

It's tight at the top!

Bub will stop littering after Sunday methinks ;)

06-26-2010, 08:02 PM
for me most important is to see a good game and the better one should win.
Many goals, I like attacking soccer.

06-27-2010, 04:14 AM
just got email from my son, he will see the match England - Germany and as fotographer with the special pass he will have close access, so watch later the pics here

06-27-2010, 10:48 AM
Thank goodness England were not playing Brazil - their score could have been in double figures :(

06-27-2010, 11:40 AM
I assume Brazil would have not scored so many goals, these counter attacks were deadly and super fast.

Well, and the final result should be 4:2 instead of 4:1, but remember 1966 the same situation? Just on the other side now, after 44 years Germany and England... the famous Wembley goal.
This time it was definitely a goal.

06-27-2010, 11:48 AM
Thank goodness England were not playing Brazil - their score could have been in double figures :(

I'm pissed. They need to implement video replay asap. England was robbed out of their second goal, it was so obvious. It would have changed the momentum of the game completely; Germany was starting to look a little frantic.

Germany is not going to get past this man and his squad:



tim eh?
06-27-2010, 09:46 PM
... the final result should be 4:2 instead of 4:1, but remember 1966 the same situation? Just on the other side now, after 44 years Germany and England... the famous Wembley goal.
This time it was definitely a goal.

Well I don't remember it but from what I have seen the one in '66 was actually a difficult call. (altho the linesman says he thought it hit the back of the net first wtf) Today's was miles in. Whatever... that linesman today was awful - not just the goal but some brutal offside calls and awful touch calls. I could whine for ages... it's not like England played well but they were taking it to them at that point. What I really can't figure out is how Michael Carrick sat the whole tournament for Gareth Barry who ran like a daschund with a back problem and couldn't have passed the ball to funeral procession he was just awful out there the whole tournament. Rats nobody left to cheer for I hope they all lose. :p

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b4/Silver_Dapple_Smooth_Haired_Miniature_Dachshund.jp g/800px-Silver_Dapple_Smooth_Haired_Miniature_Dachshund.jp g

06-29-2010, 12:18 AM
if you like that you'll flip over Tomislav Piplica :D :D :D

:D hilarious!

Okay, now for a nasty one: German Soccer Coach Eats His Boogers! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYe-KykEJAk) yummy! :D

tim eh?
07-01-2010, 11:39 AM
Okay, now for a nasty one: German Soccer Coach Eats His Boogers! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYe-KykEJAk) yummy! :D

:D yuck

official update:

Tim A - 19 pts.
BMW4Life - 20 pts.

rats I'm in last and I have to cheer for Argentina :(

07-01-2010, 08:17 PM
update from my son at site in Port Elizabeth, South Africa:

pickpockets stole his wallet :(

he cancelled all credit cards, dad had to help him with Moneygram money, worked very fast, they transfer it within 10 minutes to almost any place in the world. One goes with cash and an ID card into a bank which handles this system, pays, fills out a form, within 10 minutes he gets it in cash on the other end of the world :)

Fee is reasonable considering the speed. He just has to show his ID, if no ID available, one can fix a question and answer password and the cash is in his hands.

new idea for the Vuvuzela fans

07-02-2010, 10:59 AM
Wow! What an upset, at the end of the first half I really started thinking Brazil had that one in the bag...

07-02-2010, 01:03 PM
Wow! What an upset, at the end of the first half I really started thinking Brazil had that one in the bag...
I just came on to see any comments about Holland beating Brazil. I am so pleased for Holland. Particularly as Brazil seem to have totally lost it in the end. My enthusiasm is tempered by Shogun's post: Your lad will be fine - dad should sit out in the sun and have a very large drink. Its not a solution but may stop you worrying for five minutes:(

07-02-2010, 01:24 PM
My enthusiasm is tempered by Shogun's post: Your lad will be fine - dad should sit out in the sun and have a very large drink. Its not a solution but may stop you worrying for five minutes:(

+1 on that..

risk wise, read somewhere that some of the security outfits have SA rated similarly to Iraq. I'm guessing many South Africans would disagree with that though..

Have you checked out his sons WC photos yet? Very, very impressive..

07-02-2010, 02:44 PM
Have you checked out his sons WC photos yet? Very, very impressive..[/QUOTE]
Absolutely brilliant. 'Dad' has got to be so proud.

07-03-2010, 02:26 AM
latest pics from yesterday's match

plus from a safari on his day off

07-03-2010, 10:54 AM
Today: Complete and utter destruction; felt bad for Messi...

Was your son at this game today?

07-03-2010, 11:06 AM
Germany v Holland in the final?

07-03-2010, 11:15 AM
Germany v Holland in the final?

Do you think Germany can get past Spain?

07-03-2010, 11:38 AM
well, first Spain has to get past PAR ;)

Messi was cleverly isolated, even Podolski went back often to help out.
Looks like ARG depended too much on Messi and today he was not the game maker.
Old Klose is still dangerous. In my opinion the ARG's switched too slow from defense to forward, a lot of cross passings, Germany does that with a few direct passes. Oezil seemed to need a rest and Mueller is out next game with the yellow card.

Was your son at this game today?

do not know, watch his site if there are more pics coming. He did not call me, only calls me when he needs money :(


07-03-2010, 11:44 AM
well, first Spain has to get past PAR ;)

lol :D, yeah, I shouldn't write off Paraguay so quickly...

I'll keep an eye on your sons website.

07-03-2010, 01:03 PM
Spain made heavy weather of beating Portugal but I fancy them against Paraguay tonight. And I also fancy Germany to beat Spain. The Germans seem to have got what everbody wants - damn good individual footballers who get together and play as a team. England has the first bit but sadly not the second:( So yes I'm keen to see Germany v Holland in the final. And at the risk of being banned from the site for a very non-PC joke, the dutch better keep an eye on their bicycles;)

He did not call me, only calls me when he needs money
has a very familiar ring to it

07-03-2010, 04:33 PM
do not know, watch his site if there are more pics coming. He did not call me, only calls me when he needs money :(


Looks like he was there and the pics are up now, looking good ;).

I guess with Müller being out of the next game this could be a big blow..

07-03-2010, 07:18 PM
yep, he was there.

RockJock has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.

anyway, I will ask him for the "Klose special request".

07-04-2010, 11:45 AM
yep, he was there.


anyway, I will ask him for the "Klose special request".

Good stuff, many thanks. I made some room for PM's.

07-07-2010, 07:41 PM
Do you think Germany can get past Spain?

Nope. Spain was good and Paul the Octopus was correct once again..:D

tim eh?
07-08-2010, 01:52 PM
Nope. Spain was good and Paul the Octopus was correct once again..:D
Wow I was expecting Germany to destroy Spain but I think the absence of Mueller made a huge difference - Spain owned the centre of the pitch. Photos are great btw.

Rats dead last in the pool - this looked pretty good until yesterday... home winners in '66/'98 too.

07-08-2010, 06:13 PM
first pic sums up German emotion

07-10-2010, 01:56 AM
Bobbi Eden, Netherlands Porn Star, Promises World Cup Oral Sex To Twitter Followers
Posted: 07- 7-10 08:50 AM

Read More: Bobbi Eden, Bobbi Eden BJ, Bobbi Eden BJs, Bobbi Eden Netherlands, Bobbi Eden Oral Sex, Bobbi Eden World Cup, Soccer, Sports News


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In a year already featuring odd World Cup promises, porn star Bobbi Eden appears to have outdone her competitors. The Dutch erotic actress wrote on Twitter that she "will give a BJ to all my followers" if the Netherlands wins the soccer tournament this weekend.

Having vanquished Uruguay in the semifinals, the Netherlands is just one win away from potentially triggering an oral sex extravaganza. According to the bizarre tweet, several fellow actresses could join the the festivities. Eden currently has more than 23,000 followers.

Eden is not the first woman to make an erotic oath during the 2010 World Cup. Gorgeous lingerie model Larissa Riquelme promised to run naked through the streets of Paraguay if her team won the tournament. When the Paraguayans were eliminated in the quarterfinals, it seemed that the South American beauty's vow would not be realized. However, Riquelme has decided to run nude after all, as a "present" to Paraguay's soccer players.

Scroll down for tweets from Eden.

If #ned wins the #worldcup I will give a BJ to all my followers,together with @vickyvette @misshybrid @gabbyquinteros 4898 and counting RT
less than a minute ago via web
Bobbi Eden
YYEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Party Time!!!!!!!!! #teamBJ right on target!!! I'm off to PARTY C-U in the morning!!!!!!!!!!!!
less than a minute ago via web
Bobbi Eden

07-10-2010, 10:01 AM
Wow I was expecting Germany to destroy Spain but I think the absence of Mueller made a huge difference - Spain owned the centre of the pitch. Photos are great btw.

Rats dead last in the pool - this looked pretty good until yesterday... home winners in '66/'98 too.

I had my suspicions that Germany may lose against Spain. They’re like a Barcelona+Real Madrid; really, really good at controlling the flow of the ball. I think Spain can make any team look “flat”..absolute masters at their craft.

I’m tipping Spain 2 -- Netherlands 0 tomorrow

I’m really, really hoping that Klose can break Ronaldo’s record today…he needs 2 goals.

07-10-2010, 11:50 AM
I had my suspicions that Germany may lose against Spain.
Don Fabio got it wrong - it wasnt the England team that was tired but the German one. I'm doubly disappointed as I have had to ditch the photo I 'borrowed' from your post 11 above;) Can take nothing away from Spain but I will be cheering for Holland. Then again, I'm an armchair Liverpool supporter so well used to hoping for a late comeback:D

I will settle for 3-2 Germany v Uruguay. End to end stuff. Shame all the games were not like that

07-10-2010, 05:25 PM
I will settle for 3-2 Germany v Uruguay. End to end stuff. Shame all the games were not like that

Highly-entertaining game indeed. It was disappointing to see them lose to Spain :(. They should be in really good/strong shape for Euro Cup 2012 and World Cup 2014. Spain is just to damn good right now.

07-11-2010, 04:15 PM
Spain were stifled. In pubs in Holland they will probably be arguing there should be cameras to show if its a corner or a dead ball. The most entertaining team won on the night. Not the end we might have hoped for but probably a just one

07-11-2010, 11:28 PM
Spainiards are cheating crybabies who won by luck.