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View Full Version : Love my E34

04-27-2010, 11:42 AM
She just passed 200,000 miles yesterday. I've had the car about 13 years now and about 150,000 of the miles are mine. No accidents or tickets while I've had it. I can tell now where it must have been hit in the right rear before I got it, but it looks to have been repaired very well (bought before Carfax was popular). Everything still works on it... EVERYTHING! Well, except for the drivers side seat belt shoulder height automatic adjustment which I could care less about. I fixed it once, then the cable broke again and I've just left it. When stuff needs to be fixed or maintained, I do it. It's built so well most things are easy to do - except that damn cabin microfilter!

Sure the leather is a little worn (no splits). And the paint... well the paint sucks but every BMW I've seen of this vintage with this paint looks worse unless it's been resprayed. But it is clean and straight with nothing broken or missing.

I've taken this car places no car should have to go, in weather that would scare most 4 wheel drives away. It has NEVER left me stranded. I've stuffed it so full of stuff you couldn't see out the windows and it never complained (even fit a full size bed frame in it and could close the rear hatch!) It has done all a car should do and more...

I just wanted to let you guys know how I feel about it, because my family thinks I'm freakin' crazy to like it so much! What's not to like? (They want me to buy a Subaru Outback :( )

Hope I didn't just jinx it and it's going to all fall to pieces tomorrow...

Jr ///M5
04-27-2010, 04:13 PM
Good on ya Scott, my daughter feels exactly the same way. She says, "It's so nerdy, it's cool.."

She did make a move that I was proud of though, driving along she heard a pop, she noticed another sound immediately and found the window trim ($90 a side) had come loose, she held on to it until she could stop and remove it. She removed both sides and even saved the center clip! I bought new window moulding clips, modified them and installed the trim back on. Good as new.

Keep on Touring Scott, congratulations on the 200k mile mark.


04-27-2010, 04:36 PM
"It's so nerdy, it's cool." ROFLOL

04-28-2010, 04:22 PM
"It's so nerdy, it's cool." ROFLOL


04-29-2010, 03:02 AM
congrats bud!

I can't wait to hit that 200K mark

at 189 now so hopefully before the end of summer! :D

04-29-2010, 08:48 AM
Whats not to love. These cars are truly amazing and a work of art. My son absolutely loves his 91 735i. He says he get a lot of looks and at 19 that is very important. Don't tell him I bought it for him because basically, it is a tank, could slice through a fence post no problem. Not to mention any of these new tin cans they call cars now days. But I have not had to worry about him, he is a extremely careful driver. Mostly because that is the way he is and the other is he doesn't want to scratch his baby :)

Rick L
05-02-2010, 09:48 PM
Same reason why I still have my E34. I purchased in 2002 with 60k miles. She now have 162k miles but still runs like the day I purchased her at 60k miles.