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View Full Version : How expensive is it to buy and own an E34 525i, tax wise

01-31-2010, 07:01 AM

I'm asking out of curiosity. My aunt living in the UK told me I couldn't get away with my 3 old BMWs over there, I would have to pay even more carbon taxes and MOT taxes than in Belgium.

Here it has become very expensive to put an 15-25 years old BMW on the road due to a carbon tax, so unless your car is over 25 years old, the state hits you, worst, when you buy the car you don't even know how much you will pay. I got 3 tax invoices

1st 1.8L E34 1990 -> 220 g co2 / km -> 200 euros
2nd 2.5L E30 1987 -> 195 g co2 / km -> 0 euros
3rd 2L E36 1993 -> 248 g co2 / km -> 350 euros

Over 255 g co2/km you have to pay 1000 euros. And that was the old scheme. Since 2010 they further increased the "fines".

I never heard of those carbon values before. Besides I only agree with the 2nd invoice :). The last one is especially fantastic!
I went to the dealer. They did not have any carbon value for my cars. They are too old.

so the green dictatorship makes those values up and don't even reveal them before you buy the second hand car.

01-31-2010, 08:03 AM
Carbon taxes? MOT taxes? I think there's some confusion here. The only tax that is relavant to engine size and emmissions here in the UK is the Road Tax (VED). Older cars like E34's will be exempt to the CO rates anyway, and you will only have to pay the one tax rate. MOT cost is the same no matter what car you have. The only other factor to budget for is insurance, as normally the higher the engine CC the greater the annual premium.


Shaun M

01-31-2010, 01:49 PM
The critical date for us is 1 March 2001. Cars registered before that date are taxed simply on engine size. From April the rates will be:
Up to 1549cc £125, over 1549cc £205.

But they ARE introducing a sliding scale of additional charges depending on emissions for cars registed after 1.3.01. If you are interested and have the patience its all here:

And if like me, your car wasnt built with a cat, you dont have to pass the full emissions test either. They only check CO (max 3.5%) and HC (1200ppm). Mine flies through the test. Another good reason to keep it going:D

02-01-2010, 03:02 AM
The critical date for us is 1 March 2001. Cars registered before that date are taxed simply on engine size. From April the rates will be:
Up to 1549cc £125, over 1549cc £205.

But they ARE introducing a sliding scale of additional charges depending on emissions for cars registed after 1.3.01. If you are interested and have the patience its all here:

And if like me, your car wasnt built with a cat, you dont have to pass the full emissions test either. They only check CO (max 3.5%) and HC (1200ppm). Mine flies through the test. Another good reason to keep it going:D

Yea my E30 has not CAT. :)

ok thx for the info. By registered, you mean the date when the car was first put on the road by the first owner right?

Anyways looks like it is better in the UK. I might vote with my feet and move over there. :) except houses are so darn expensive in the UK.

well my gov is so inept that the carbon emissions tax applies to ALL cars, even older ones with no official values. They think up a value and shove it down your throat.
I'm going to court for this.

my bad about the Road Tax. But nonetheless here in Belgium we do have a Carbon Tax or so called "Ecological Fine"

02-01-2010, 11:54 AM
Yea my E30 has not CAT. :)

By registered, you mean the date when the car was first put on the road by the first owner right?
Anyways looks like it is better in the UK. I might vote with my feet and move over there. :) except houses are so darn expensive in the UK.

When they say registered, they mean the date that the DVLA at Swansea was notified it was going to be put on the UK road. Mine was only registered in 1998. If it had been after March 2001 you can bet the govt would be rubbing its hands together.
Dont know about houses being expensive - we just seem to get paid less and taxed more:(

02-02-2010, 06:55 AM
When they say registered, they mean the date that the DVLA at Swansea was notified it was going to be put on the UK road. Mine was only registered in 1998. If it had been after March 2001 you can bet the govt would be rubbing its hands together.
Dont know about houses being expensive - we just seem to get paid less and taxed more:(

so basically if I go over there with my 1987 Belgian car, I'm ##### and your gov is happy

02-02-2010, 10:10 AM
I was curious about this so I just phoned the DVLA. Told them I was thinking of importing a 1987 2.5 litre BMW from Belgium. They said that the road tax will be the same as for a UK registered car of the same age!!! (At the moment thats £195 per year but from April it will be £205).
I am amazed :D
Shame you guys drive on the wrong side of the road:( I could see a business opportunity for a moment there:D

02-02-2010, 03:39 PM
Shhhhh I don't want anyone here in the States to hear you....quiet please....