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View Full Version : Minneapolis Bimmer Group Gathering This Tuesday (December 1st, 2009)

11-30-2009, 01:53 AM
Hey Everyone,

Mark your Calendars, the Minneapolis Bimmer Group is having our last Monthly Gathering of 2009! Since the weather and the daylight hours have decreased, we've officially moved indoors for our monthly gatherings. Instead of meeting at the Calhoun Executive Center's parking lot, we'll be meeting across the street at the Caribou coffee shop (Next to the Chipole) in the Calhoun Commons.

We've seen a decline in people attending our gatherings over the past few months, just a reminder... being a part of our group is FREE and this is a great opportunity to connect with other BMW enthusiasts. Our group is diverse in knowledge on BMWs in general. We have service advisors, people in car sales, automotive repairs and others that perform extensive restoration and repairs of BMWs. In addition to being great enthusiasts, this group is also a unique networking tool, so why not come out and join us at our next gathering.

To make things simple, I'll be wearing my BMW F1 baseball cap at the Caribou. If you're new to the group, grab a cup of coffee and introduce yourself!

Here's the information about this Tuesday's Gathering:

Here are the details:

Event: Minneapolis Bimmer Group Monthly Gathering.
Date: TUESDAY October 6, 2009!
Time: 7:00pm.
Location: Google Maps/Directions (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=3044+Excelsior+Boulevard+%23103,+55416&sll=44.947246,-93.320486&sspn=0.00464,0.010257&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=3044+Excelsior+Blvd,+Minneapolis,+Hennepin,+ Minnesota+55416&layer=c&cbll=44.947318,-93.320805&panoid=xAkHOCk5gzHQlqKh3D2mMw&cbp=13,319.66,,0,1.42&ll=44.947321,-93.32094&spn=0.004609,0.010257&z=17) Caribou Coffee (Calhoun Common)
Address: 3044 Excelsior Boulevard, Suite 103, Minneapolis, MN 55416

Please feel free to extend the invitation to other BMW enthusiasts and post in other forums. We'll see you there next Tuesday evening!

Yours Truly,

Eric Kozar
Minneapolis Bimmer Group Founder (Est. 2001)
Email: estonbach@gmail.com