View Full Version : Windsheild trim replacement..Anyone tried this?

08-05-2009, 09:08 AM
Found this article on the Bavauto newsletter. Guy says he removed the trim and replaced it without removing the windsheild. Anyone tried this?


08-08-2009, 10:44 AM
Found this article on the Bavauto newsletter. Guy says he removed the trim and replaced it without removing the windsheild. Anyone tried this? The same goes for e34, but the clips are self adhesive. Once they are in place (the 'trough' around the window needs to be cleaned and dried first, one can also fit a new pair of trims. However it si easest to fit a rubber strip instead, the right section size will simply press straight in nice and neat. The orginal strips are a bit better however as they prevent water from the windscreen wiper splashing across the side windows (and into the car if they are down).