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06-25-2009, 06:30 PM
Unbelievable to think he is gone.

Even my 16 year old was shocked to hear the news.

ryan roopnarine
06-25-2009, 08:18 PM
The retrospectives are just starting on the TeeVee here. love him or hate him, one thing is for certain, if he just got put into a coma, and recovered from it, he'd be set for life with the number of people that wanted to see him in concert before he died.

Not to rationalize away what he probably did, but you have to wonder how much his f'd up childhood contributed to the disgusting shell of a human being that kicked it today.

Blitzkrieg Bob
06-26-2009, 01:39 AM
Only in America can a little black boy grow up to be a white woman

06-26-2009, 03:31 AM
Unbelievable to think he is gone.

Even my 16 year old was shocked to hear the news.

Love him or hate him., R.I.P. to the king of pop

06-26-2009, 04:08 AM
The jokes have started to roll in already, I won't repeat them.

06-26-2009, 08:58 AM
What's plastic and gets turned on by kids?
A Sony PS3. :D

06-26-2009, 02:05 PM
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Not Michael Jackson

tim eh?
06-26-2009, 02:20 PM
...bmw towed at the scene...

gosh that's too bad :( RIP MJ poor guy... kinda nuts but who wouldn't be with that kind of life?
Man could he ever sing and dance, no white woman could do that LOL Bob.

06-26-2009, 02:42 PM
I am not a big fan of Michael Jackson but it is sad to hear him go... 50 is just too young. It just seems that everyone is dropping dead this year. Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon, Natasha Richardson, Dom DeLuise, David Carradine, and too many others within the last 5 years... just too many too early.

06-26-2009, 03:13 PM
I am not a big fan of Michael Jackson but it is sad to hear him go... 50 is just too young. It just seems that everyone is dropping dead this year. Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon, Natasha Richardson, Dom DeLuise, David Carradine, and too many others within the last 5 years... just too many too early.
Curiously enough my partner mentioned Farrah Fawcett tonight and I hadnt heard. Of those you list David Carradine stands out. If you know the series 'Morse', I am not ashamed to say I cried when Morse died and again when the actor who played him (John Thaw) subsequently died. I come from a generation that doesnt normally show emotions. But perhaps its not easy to see your hero die whatever your age

Blitzkrieg Bob
06-27-2009, 01:30 AM
I am not a big fan of Michael Jackson but it is sad to hear him go... 50 is just too young. It just seems that everyone is dropping dead this year. Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMahon, Natasha Richardson, Dom DeLuise, David Carradine, and too many others within the last 5 years... just too many too early.

At least he wasn't found dead in with a rope around his neck and genitals

06-27-2009, 09:01 AM
Yeah, that was a disgrace... Not sure what is going on with the investigation for David's death... last I heard was murdered and placed in that position...

06-27-2009, 10:03 AM
I'm waiting for the first sightings of MJ (a la Elvis) :
Yeah he's alive and well and living in Heckmondwike....!

Blitzkrieg Bob
06-27-2009, 12:58 PM
I'm waiting for the first sightings of MJ (a la Elvis) :
Yeah he's alive and well and living in Heckmondwike....!

My son said the he and Tupac are living on an carribean island.

But I had to agree with a qoute from Men in Black "he's not dead, he just went home"

06-27-2009, 03:05 PM
My son said the he and Tupac are living on an carribean island.

But I had to agree with a qoute from Men in Black "he's not dead, he just went home"

Never heard of Tupac. Will have to ask my kids. Was he the poor man's Ice-T or something?

06-27-2009, 03:23 PM
...bmw towed at the scene...

gosh that's too bad :( RIP MJ poor guy... kinda nuts but who wouldn't be with that kind of life?
Man could he ever sing and dance, no white woman could do that LOL Bob.

My opinion of his music has always been the same; over-hyped, over-marketed, over-rated, over-polished, over-produced, over-mixed…etc. He was the granddaddy of “over-produced” pop music (kinda like the narcissistic self-promoting over-polished grandmommy Madonna). He was an absolute genius at self promotion/marketing that managed to suck-in John Q. Public hook-line-and-sinker. Just as a frame of reference, around the same time as Thriller, U2 had already done three excellent post-punk far superior albums that didn’t even get noticed (Boy, October, War) with the exception of War maybe….

Then again, I can't dance or sing...;)

06-27-2009, 04:31 PM
He was an absolute genius at self promotion/marketing that managed to suck-in John Q. Public hook-line-and-sinker. Then again, I can't dance or sing...;)
Radio 2 was respectfully playing MJ every alternate disc on Friday morning. Even had a spot at lunchtime with people phoning in to say how much MJ had touched their lives. The news that followed said you should be able to get your money back on tickets. I agree its all about promotion and marketing.
As my mate Phil said ' I can't dance, I can't sing, I'm just standing here selling everything'

tim eh?
06-28-2009, 07:29 AM
Never heard of Tupac. Will have to ask my kids. Was he the poor man's Ice-T or something?

Tupac was a big hip-hop guy who basically got into loads of trouble with everyone and was killed in the mid-90s (I think) - it had a big impact on the East Coast/West Coast thang. Maybe not the best role-model but he spoke his mind and sure could yap yo.

tim eh?
06-28-2009, 07:30 AM
My opinion of his music has always been the same; over-hyped, over-marketed, over-rated, over-polished, over-produced, over-mixed…etc. He was the granddaddy of “over-produced” pop music (kinda like the narcissistic self-promoting over-polished grandmommy Madonna). He was an absolute genius at self promotion/marketing that managed to suck-in John Q. Public hook-line-and-sinker. Just as a frame of reference, around the same time as Thriller, U2 had already done three excellent post-punk far superior albums that didn’t even get noticed (Boy, October, War) with the exception of War maybe….

Then again, I can't dance or sing...;)

OK but MJ was motown, I think you are comparing apples and oranges - and 'The Joshua Tree' would be a more appropriate comparison to 'Thriller'. (that wasn't overproduced?) So does U2 now inherit the Pop throne or does it go to Prince?;). As far as 'overproduced' I actually don't hold to that opinion - motown was always big (Phil Spector is the best example of course) but the instrumentation on Thriller was actually fairly sparse and very thoughtfully placed (gotta love them cuicas on 'Wanna Be Startin Somethin'). Anyway, it's a matter of taste what you put on but you can't deny that MJ was one of a kind and a master of his trade.

06-28-2009, 11:26 AM
OK but MJ was motown, I think you are comparing apples and oranges - and 'The Joshua Tree' would be a more appropriate comparison to 'Thriller'. (that wasn't overproduced?) So does U2 now inherit the Pop throne or does it go to Prince?;). As far as 'overproduced' I actually don't hold to that opinion - motown was always big (Phil Spector is the best example of course) but the instrumentation on Thriller was actually fairly sparse and very thoughtfully placed (gotta love them cuicas on 'Wanna Be Startin Somethin'). Anyway, it's a matter of taste what you put on but you can't deny that MJ was one of a kind and a master of his trade.

Yup, I agree, Joshua Tree was ‘overproduced’ and U2 became ‘trendy’ after War….

About MJ; at the time (around the same time as The Police’s Ghost in the Machine and Synchronicity) I didn’t understand the big fuss over MJ, I still don’t. In my opinion, an entertainer, business man, showman more than an artist. The thing I find interesting and I’m sure it’ll gain traction again is the following; when you listen to him sing “Ben” at age 11 you can’t help but wonder what impact/disastrous consequences puberty would have had on the family business. Then listen to him sing “Ben” in his twenties and you can hardly tell the diff. Is it possible that daddy Jackson decided to go the route of castrato with Michael? Poor kid. It would surely explain a lot……

06-29-2009, 08:04 AM
A child buggerer and tortured soul. Better off, I say.
All the crocodile tears for him from Al Sharpton, Jesse, et al are going to make me vomit. Do you think any of them would have let the freak babysit their kids?

06-29-2009, 09:11 AM
The thing about human nature is that people can change or ignore. MJ has three kids and you know what? He seems to be overprotective of them that all his kids are covered with mask when they are in public. It seems extreme but what could be worse is that paparazzi psychologically negative impact them... so by putting a mask on them, he hides them. Wierd but effective. I did a search online for pictures of his kids... can't find anything but one that keeps repeating itself... nothing like hundreds

As for the famous people shedding a tear, it is black pride... they take it in any form. Humanity is more important than personal feelings but it doesn't excuse inhumane behaviors.

06-29-2009, 10:12 AM
I will only remember MJ's awesome dancing. bring it back into the perspective of the 80ies. it was a breakthrough.

06-29-2009, 10:29 AM
A child buggerer and tortured soul. Better off, I say.
All the crocodile tears for him from Al Sharpton, Jesse, et al are going to make me vomit. Do you think any of them would have let the freak babysit their kids?

:D E.T.? hahahahaa

06-29-2009, 12:23 PM
:D E.T.? hahahahaa

tim eh?
06-30-2009, 05:51 PM
you know what they're saying about MJ's physician....
(oh yeah he's bad, he's bad, you know it...)

07-01-2009, 11:56 AM
yea but so what? he ceased to be important years ago.

07-02-2009, 01:27 PM
The jokes have started to roll in already, I won't repeat them.
I will...

Q. Why does Michael Jackson like twenty eight year olds?
A. Because there's twenty of them! - Yeah, sick I know but so was he.

07-02-2009, 04:23 PM
A child buggerer and tortured soul.
If MJ comes up in conversation I will be tempted to quote you. Sod political correctness

Zeuk in Oz
07-07-2009, 06:11 PM
I beg to differ.

Some perspective :

"A talent for lies and abuse"

Robert M. Kaplan | July 08, 2009
Article from: The Australian

THE death of Michael Jackson triggered a predictable frenzy of eulogies from individuals who could not run far away enough from him when he was facing child abuse charges.

Simultaneously, from the media perihelion, infused with the spirit of Jerry Springer, arose confessions, observations and revelations about a lifestyle that would have nauseated even William S.Burroughs, involving drug dependence, financial lunacy, lack of concern about the sentient world and disregard for others.

Hypocrisy or schadenfreude aside, the eulogies were unanimous on one point, confirming that Jackson had been successful in achieving his most important goal: claiming the mantle of victimhood as justification for leading an exploitative and predatory life.

Jackson, we are told, was deprived of a childhood because of his early involvement in the music world and this, in some mysterious way, provided him with a lifelong excuse to perpetrate just about any self-indulgent, destructive, futile or mindless behaviour that an inordinately self-obsessed adult male who kept sleeping with young boys could wish to do for as long as he had the fame, money or credit to do it.

Jackson started singing at the age of four and, by eight, was performing in the Jackson 5. When he reached adulthood (at least chronologically), he went solo and, in 1983, achieved the world's best-selling album. This was followed by two more hits, after which followed a long slow slide into perdition. American life, as F.Scott Fitzgerald pointed out, rarely permits a second act.

Jackson has eight siblings who were exposed to the same environment; why did none of them turn out the same way? Jermaine may not be a rocket scientist and tends to whine at times. One may have objections to the music of Janet, let alone her public wardrobe malfunction, but she is hardly as rebarbative as, say, Madonna. As for the rest of the siblings, who ever hears much of them, surely the best indication of a normal American life?

Some say that the lack of a normal childhood fostered both Jackson's phenomenal artistry and his regressed infantilism. Yet Jackson was no Elvis Presley, John Lennon or Bob Dylan.

Furthermore, a childhood spent in travelling, acting or entertainment families is not unusual. Any number of people have been raised in the same way and there is no evidence that this in itself is pathogenic. Indeed, spending one's childhood with a close family on the road can be a lot happier than trudging off to the same school every day for 12 years.

Jackson constantly branded his parents, especially his father, as "abusive", the psychobabble word that conveys instant freedom from responsibility for the victim. Jackson's parents came from humble origins at a time when being black in America was often a one-way ticket to a life of downward social mobility, poverty, crime and misery. To their credit, they refused to bow down to this and like many people from migrant or minority backgrounds they looked to succeed in those areas where sheer determination, ambition and talent will overcome virtually any institutional obstruction: sport and entertainment.

Considering the competition and pressures they faced, they would have had to be as hard on their charges as any parents of talented child stars. The results were little short of spectacular, and their children were given opportunities denied to many others.

Remembering the ghetto life from which he was saved, Jackson should have lit a candle in church every day of his adult life thanking his parents. While it is easy to be snide about their brick pile in the Los Angeles suburb of Encino, they deserve every bit of their wealth.

Does any of this explain the star's infantilism? Jackson did not have a sweet childlike nature, living in a perpetual Wendy world. Far from it. The evidence at his trial showed that he was a caricature of the cynical, calculated and predatory adult, soaked in booze and drugs, constantly conniving to manipulate children into a coercive environment where he could exploit them as he wished without bearing the consequences.

The outcome of Jackson's adult choices was not pretty. Behaving like a combination of the boys from Brazil and Monty Python, he created a band of captive children; sucked-in con men, sycophants, fools, hags, desperados, even the cetacean-like Marlon Brando; and engaged in an extraordinary career of self-mutilation, usually via surgery, making him a body dysmorphic of extraordinary degree. He used so much mercury to lighten his skin colour that he went prematurely bald, side-effects not seen since it was used for treatment of syphilis in the 19th century.

In claiming that he wanted nothing more than to recreate the imaginary innocent sweetness of childhood to make up for what he had lost, Jackson was perpetuating a lie of such magnitude that only Joseph Goebbels - who said that the bigger the lie, the more people want to believe it - would have approved.

There is only one epitaph for Jackson. He was a disgrace: to his family, his people, his fans, his talent, his industry, his country and to every child who dreams of creating a better life for themselves as an adult without abdicating responsibility for their actions.

Robert M. Kaplan, a forensic psychiatrist, is the author of Medical Murder: Disturbing Cases of Doctors Who Kill.

07-07-2009, 07:29 PM
... and in English?

07-07-2009, 08:32 PM
I will...


The autopsy results are finally in....


He choked on an eight year old wiener. :(

07-07-2009, 08:50 PM
Sadly, the author's predilection to send his readers to a dictionary will render his argument nil to those not already in agreement.
Simply stated Michael Jackson was a child molester on a grand scale. His wealth/power bought silence from miserable parents who essentially sold their children or womb to him. He is a sad and disgraceful commentary on American culture. Other talents do not eclipse his despicable acts.

07-07-2009, 09:09 PM
Robert M. Kaplan, a forensic psychiatrist

Good read, thanks for posting....he obviously knows what he's talking about; as a MD and not a psychologist.

632 Regal
07-07-2009, 11:13 PM
agreed but to a point

Simply stated Michael Jackson was a child molester on a grand scale. His wealth/power bought silence from miserable parents who essentially sold their children or womb to him. He is a sad and disgraceful commentary on American culture. Other talents do not eclipse his despicable acts.

Who will know what really happened and what was false in reporting? MJ had enough wealth to begin many years of false as well as actual files of abuse. What we read and have read in mainstream media (and saw in photo shopped pictures) is well known to be manipulated by the agenda on the Bilderberg group and who knows what this deflection in mainstream is about to accomplish. As in mainstream I agree that he was a complete fraud as a parent and also a pedifile but damn he could perform! And in reality is he a pawn of the main media or was it real? Nobody will really know the truth. the drugs and **** goes without saying, look at Herioinsmith, think drugs go with just someone with court problems?

I can go on but wont, not worth it. the dude was good in the days of my promiscuious youth in the dance bars :D and I knew all the words to all his popular songs (yes i'm old)

here is when he was still black: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_hz2am90Hk

Whatever :D

Blitzkrieg Bob
07-08-2009, 02:09 AM
You know why MJ died?

Farrah's last wish was that all the children of the world to be safe from harm.

Then Billy Mays hopped in and gave us not one, not two, but three deaths.

paul p (chi-town)
07-09-2009, 10:10 AM
Then Billy Mays hopped in and gave us not one, not two, but three deaths.
But WAIT!!
There’s more.
If you call within the next 3 seconds ... cause you know we can’t do this all day.

The new king of hawkers:

I have some commentary on MJ and the psyche of brilliant artists in general, but it's still in process.
Stupid day job keeps interrupting.

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

07-09-2009, 07:33 PM
But WAIT!!
There’s more.
If you call within the next 3 seconds ... cause you know we can’t do this all day.

The new king of hawkers:

I have some commentary on MJ and the psyche of brilliant artists in general, but it's still in process.
Stupid day job keeps interrupting.

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


tim eh?
07-10-2009, 01:37 PM

I guess Shamwow is not so good for getting blood off the face :D.

Blitzkrieg Bob
07-12-2009, 10:32 PM
Even in death

632 Regal
07-13-2009, 01:16 AM
crooked hookers, is nothing sacred? She took a toll on him, wonder how the shammy biz is going.