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View Full Version : Would anyone be intersted in a WELL maintained 535i Sport?!

04-13-2009, 02:00 PM
Hi guys...

Looking into purchasing an XJR (traitor I know! :D) - Thought I'd offer my pride and joy of the last 2 and a 1/2 years here first seen as you guys have been so good to me as well as the fact you will appreciate the work I've put into it...

I must be mad selling it I know but I've been captivated by the thought of XJR ownership!

Some links for those who are interested -



Once I get my old laptop hard drive sorted (It corrupted recently) I'll be able to send some pic's etc...

The car is in brilliant condition after a lot of hard work, PM me for more details! :)

Just incase anyone's in the know, any thoughts on this? http://www.pistonheads.com/SALES/946370.htm

04-13-2009, 05:00 PM
Good luck selling it, I had a hard enough time.

Literally last week I've just helped a mate buy a late 90's XKR, pick it up and hear the supercharger whine. It's addictive but also in the great words of admiral Ackbar, it's a trap.

DO NOT buy a jaguar unless you've had a chance to view the underside of it on ramps. The number of late 90s jags that we were looking at that were totally rotten underneath, while looking stunning on the outside was shocking. View anything 10 years old or above as suspect, the paintwork is typical british (read: rover aka shocking) crap. Most of the XKRs we were looking at wouldnt make it through their next MOT.

Oh yeah, look forwards to having fun with the wiring :) water ingress, crap quality and wear and tear all take a toll. Search hard and far for a good one, if you get a bad one it's a money pit.

04-13-2009, 05:17 PM
So the procedure is a. Learn to weld b. Buy Jag?

04-13-2009, 05:30 PM
Jags are garbage man!!!

my uncle had it and he ended up driving the rental car more than his own...

they are pretty to look at and sit in but make sure you have DEEP pockets if you want to drive them too...

i say keep your BMW and buy a XJR Poster... ;):D

04-13-2009, 05:33 PM
Is this a thought or a serious thought :) ?

I had a 3.0 x-type sat on my drive for a couple of weeks and I tell you i felt really tired at just 60k, it also needed a new engine 2k ago as the original one ate itself. Not that I'm trying to put you off, I've often thought about an xjr and I will get one some day (when I am allowed) but I its a purchase from the heart not the head. The one in the link looks good but for that money on a 97 you should be getting lower miles.

04-14-2009, 04:13 AM
Hmmmm... I'm sensing some negative energy towards the big cat! :( :)

I've done a fair bit of research on the internet and independent and owner reviews seem really positive on the whole suggesting they're pretty bulletproof...

It's definitely a serious thought as seems like a pretty good time to make the jump - If I can sell mine first of course. The problem will be that I won't take less than 2k for it and the majority of 535i's out there are much cheaper than this because they've been poorly maintained... Some may think 2k's crazy but I'm not desperate to sell by any means... If I could afford it I'd love to run both cars to be honest, as my e34's just so damn reliable even at 19 years of age.

I might look into an AA inspection or the likes when I go for it then (I'm not allowed either by the way but that's never stopped me before LOL! :D)... Or as Whisky says it may be best just to enrol myself on a welding course. :p

04-14-2009, 07:52 AM
Why not keep the Bimmer for transportation and the Jag as a driveway decoration?

04-14-2009, 08:39 AM
Why not keep the Bimmer for transportation and the Jag as a driveway decoration?

If only...

04-14-2009, 01:05 PM
Why not keep the Bimmer for transportation and the Jag as a driveway decoration?
And I thought Americans didnt know what a dry sense of humour was. Impressed :D Sorry John

04-14-2009, 01:46 PM
My Father in Law had an XJ-40. What a total rotbox it was. The fuel filler area was obviously designed to rot as quickly as possible, allowing water to enter the boot and into the stupid electrical gubbins that are in there. I'm sorry to be negative about a prestige brand but they really are a load of arsebiscuits in design & build quality. In fact I would go as far as to say that the best thing about the car was the big thing under the bonnet (hood) which spins round and makes the car move.


Shaun M

04-16-2009, 12:32 PM
It's a bit of a shock to hear such poor perceptions about the big cats... I've mainly based my opinions on the following sources:



I need to get a test drive and a closer look I think, but at least I know what to look out for so thanks guys... I would ideally be looking at an X308 (XJR) and apparently by then the Ford influence improved a lot of previous issues in reliability and build quality. I sure hope so anyway! :)

04-21-2009, 10:30 AM
Years ago I had a big desire for a second hand XJS. Two things I noticed in common with most of them offered; 1, the "maintenance" records were usually voluminous consisting mostly of ghastly repair invoices rather than actual maintenance. 2, the owners were near desperate to offload them.
Ended up scratching my V12 itch with something from Maranello which has been reliable, more so than the my (admitted elderly)Bavarian twelves.
I'm occasionally tempted by some orphan Jag offered on the cheap by someone who knows better but have managed to resist.
I hear the current offerings feature a leaping tiger?

04-22-2009, 04:27 AM
important question

if your 535 is boring because there ain't enough DIY jobs to do maybe you should keep it and buy another car requiring care that will value over time

there are many old BMWs requiring loving hands.