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E34 530
01-19-2009, 05:10 PM
So, this is now the fourth gas tank my e34 has seen since I've owned the damn thing.

1st tank (original to the car from the factory)- was absolutely fine until ****ing morons at a tire shop decided it would be a spectacular idea to jack up the car via the tank

2nd tank- idiots from tire place put in the shittiest tank after I refused to take the car back with a hole the size of a dime in it. Seeing as they have 3 brain cells they must have switched the intake/to engine fuel hoses and this resulted in an impoded tank that lasted all of about 1 months before it started to leak. While I'm typing this I'm getting furious I never took any revenge on those ****ers and am concocting an elaborate scheme to **** them over some how. Well, I patched this tank with some JB and it worked surprisingly well...for 4 months. On my way to the e34 2006 Chicago meet the tank decided it wanted to leak again somewhere in about Ohio. We continued on and tried to patch it before the meet in our hotel parking lot. :rofl

Here you can see how ****ed up the tank was and how it wasn;t even close to the straps:


3rd tank- Due to the greatness of the local Chicago community e34ers, they hooked me up with a free tank and they even put it in for free so I wouldn't have to drive all the way back to NJ with a leaking tank. Now I remember when they were putting it in it had some surface rust and even some rust on the seem but I thought nothing of it. Well, this tank lasted until the summer of 2008. Since the e34 gets one of garage bays, my mom noticed it started to smell like gas in the garage. At first I thought she was just doing her normal bitching about everything routine but sure enough I started to smell it as the weeks went by. I looked at the tank and sure enough it was weeping. Not enough to drip, but enough to soak the assenger side stra and stink up the garage. So at first being a broke cheapass college kid I attempted to patch it which worked for all of 5 minutes before it started seeing again. Also I had put some new injectors in the e28 but stupidly I didn't change the o-rings so sure enough 1 of them started to leak so while I was waiting for the JB to dry I ripped all of them out and did all o-rings and pintel cas. Got this down to a science too, about a half hour to 45 minutes from start to finish. :stickoutt


The two tiny holes causing this whole fiasco:


Some of the injector o-ring replacement / other whips ;)


4th tank- So I bit the bullet and bought a nice used tank and I MADE ****ING 100% SURE it didn't have ANY rust, because this was the last and final time I ever wanted to have to do this project again. So on the coldest day of the winter so far, (and on the same day I had to go back to school) I decided to throw in the new tank. I've become so good with the procedure I was able to do it in about 2.5 hours from start to lowering the car back on the ground. It was so ****ing cold I thought I was going to freeze under the car. I got some mild frostbite on the inside of my legs by the old coinurse because it was so cold.

So here are some pics from the coldest I've ever worked on my car with such an extensive project.


This was the temp. inside the heated garage, outside temp was 12 with a windchill of -5, I'm praying I never have to do this again while I own this car.


End of story

01-19-2009, 06:16 PM
You could get back against those guys who started this by having them special order tires in without any deposit... Don't know how many time you can get away with it until they require deposits.

01-19-2009, 07:40 PM
I heard about the emergency repair at the Chicago meet. That was pretty awesome, even if it was rusty. I admire your fortitude in the cold. To take time snap some photos during the process, I mean, that's wasting valuable seconds with nearly numb fingers quickly becoming fully numb. I did a thrust arm and control arm job in a 16 degree garage once. Don't think I would try it again.

632 Regal
01-20-2009, 12:31 AM
I was at the meet when it was replaced, knew you guys were in trouble if it wasn't fixed in time. I think Chicago has the most actual wrenchers with parts in the USA.

Can't believe the luck you have had with tanks but hey, it could always be worse... Nope I correct that statement 'you and fuel' not just tanks.

Well good luck with this one and hopefully we will see you at the next meet.

01-20-2009, 01:20 AM
Such dedication. If that was my "mom", she'd long have me trash the car :)