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View Full Version : lower control arms

01-16-2009, 12:05 PM
I changed out the upper control arms (thrust arms) on my 95 540i yesterday. It is fair easy job. I followed Bentley manual and things went pretty well. I have a question about doing the lower control arms now. The job looks pretty straight forward but I was wondering what a power steering leak will do to the new bushings. I managed to tighten up the hose clamps on the hoses and the leak is much better. The oil wont probably get on the bushings very much if at all but I dont want to change them if any oil gets on them and they swell or become soft and ruin them. What do you guys think? Do I have a issue or do you think things will be ok just keep an eye on it and keep them clean until I do get the hoses changed. I was going to do the work myself but I have heard of fires and other bad things that can happen rather easily if things arent just perfect. Thanks for your input.
Johan :)

01-16-2009, 03:08 PM
I've had new thrust arms, springs and struts in my garage for a year now.

I'm a bit apprehensive about doing the work since I've never done it.

By the way, I thought brake and steering fluid was supposed to be kinda corrosive. Wouldn't want that on new control arm soft parts.


01-19-2009, 07:36 AM
Upper and Lower control arms are easy as long as you have the right tools... Get a ball-joint seperator (scissor type) before you even contemplate doing it! Springs and struts are easy enough too... (You need a BIG pipe wrench and cheater bar to get the collar nut off the strut)... Its worth doing it all together though, save you a lot of effor tin the long run!