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View Full Version : New high price for me for pack rat damage.

Bill R.
01-13-2009, 11:30 PM
OT, one of my customers has a toyota tundra and where he lives there is a packrat problem. He took the truck toyota because the abs light was on.
They told him that packrats had eaten some of the abs wiring and they would have to replace the entire wiring harness at a cost of 4500...
I haven't seen it yet but i'm curious. I've worked on a bmw before that packrats had eaten the abs lead going to each front wheel. simple enough repair though, splice in some coaxial cable grounding the outside braid, wrap the whole thing in foil and slip some harbor freight shrink tubing over it and heat. Worked fine , abs functional...

01-14-2009, 12:52 AM
pack rat? Had to use google to know what that is. In Europe and other parts of the world they have the probs with Martens, they cause every years hundreds of millions of $ in damage to ignition wires etc.
Size is like a cat, here in Japan they are more than half a meter long without the tail.

632 Regal
01-14-2009, 01:09 AM
kinda on topic, last year my neighbors ATV went down and I checked it out, looks like mice or whatever love the taste of wire insulation... think its sweet when heated so no brainer. I said I could just jumper the wires and solder/shrink tube them but that wasn't good enough for him, he wanted the whole deal done and went dealer...

called the other day said he is mortgaging his credit card debt (100K) against his paid for home... another no brainer or brain dead associate?

Dave M
01-14-2009, 07:51 AM
kinda on topic, last year my neighbors ATV went down and I checked it out, looks like mice or whatever love the taste of wire insulation... think its sweet when heated so no brainer. I said I could just jumper the wires and solder/shrink tube them but that wasn't good enough for him, he wanted the whole deal done and went dealer...

called the other day said he is mortgaging his credit card debt (100K) against his paid for home... another no brainer or brain dead associate?

Dude loves his quad..........?????????

01-14-2009, 08:26 AM
called the other day said he is mortgaging his credit card debt (100K) against his paid for home... another no brainer or brain dead associate?

USA is going to go bankrupt if you guys keep mortgaging your ass off.


attack eagle
01-14-2009, 10:28 AM
OT, one of my customers has a toyota tundra and where he lives there is a packrat problem. He took the truck toyota because the abs light was on.
They told him that packrats had eaten some of the abs wiring and they would have to replace the entire wiring harness at a cost of 4500...
I haven't seen it yet but i'm curious. I've worked on a bmw before that packrats had eaten the abs lead going to each front wheel. simple enough repair though, splice in some coaxial cable grounding the outside braid, wrap the whole thing in foil and slip some harbor freight shrink tubing over it and heat. Worked fine , abs functional...

liability issue if it is patched and not restored to as new. that is why.