View Full Version : 93 auto 525i hard braking hesitation / new exhaust lurch?!?

06-02-2004, 01:21 AM
Hi - when doing some hardcore braking (from a stop after the decel.) when I give the car gas again from a stand still I feel what is a slight hesitation where the car will not go, but then it will suddenly grab and give me a surge of gas. After that everything is fine.

What is going on here? It doesnt happen at any other time, only after some serious deceleration (I have a full bavauto brake kit and it grabs hard). Its almost like the tranny flew out of the car, it gets a sec to crawl back in and start it's job again.

Also, since I chopped off my rear muffler and put in straight pipes when I idle I get a slight dip/lurch pattern going. It will slow down a smidge, then come back up to pace every few seconds or so, it is not a tight pattern...more like 5-10 second intervals (again, not while driving). It does not stall, just slows down a bit (for ~1 second) then back up to normal idling speed.

Any help = much appreciated!