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ryan roopnarine
05-29-2004, 03:25 PM
i just burned (and i'm not exaggerating for effect) my back by sitting down in das car, and the f'ing windows were cracked!! OBC reports 105 degrees F, and its only off by one or two degrees usually. i find it really hard to believe that BMW couldn't engineer a more effective heat dissipation system for the interior than we have. i take pity for the people that live more southward, or in the desert.

05-29-2004, 03:40 PM
Try the OBC vent feature and either crack your sunroof or press up on the button to make it slant up (remember hot air goes up). My car is black, with black interior and I live in the south where the sun can make the inside of my car go up to 115 (ive actually measured that). Vent option works well to get you by until you can get the AC running.

94 540i

i just burned (and i'm not exaggerating for effect) my back by sitting down in das car, and the f'ing windows were cracked!! OBC reports 105 degrees F, and its only off by one or two degrees usually. i find it really hard to believe that BMW couldn't engineer a more effective heat dissipation system for the interior than we have. i take pity for the people that live more southward, or in the desert.

George M
05-29-2004, 03:40 PM
was gonna say...if you don't like the heat...don't spend any time in AZ in the summer.
Can't even touch the steering wheel if the car has been in the sun for any length of time.

05-29-2004, 04:10 PM
George, you should have told me that before I went out hiking a few years ago and took my SIL's black 4Runner. Was up playing around at the base of the Superstition Mountains, parked the 4, locked it up, left the windows cracked. Hopped in, my ass hit that damn seat....anyone smell grilled longpig? :P

Ryan: I keep my sunroof cracked and it helps a LOT. It gets warm, never unmanageable. I wish I could get the autovent stuff to work. :P

05-29-2004, 05:26 PM

If you haven't already done it, max out your window tint job, and use those mylar sun shields for the windshields. Crack the windows as above and you can keep the interior pretty manageable.

George M
05-29-2004, 05:30 PM
Rick...aside from the heat...aren't Superstition Mountains beautiful? Arizona has geology...the likes I have never seen...a beautiful place...seeing it for the first time is something I will never forget.

05-29-2004, 05:50 PM
48 and rainy here. Wife has the furnace running. I could really go for some sun

Paul in NZ
05-29-2004, 06:07 PM
i ussually leave the sunroof open(tilted) and use a windscreen sunshade.I am going to install a rear blind when i can find one from the wreckers....Black on black is uncool sometimes :p

05-29-2004, 06:25 PM
Rick...aside from the heat...aren't Superstition Mountains beautiful? Arizona has geology...the likes I have never seen...a beautiful place...seeing it for the first time is something I will never forget.

I thought AZ was cool. The first time we went the mrs was preggers and wasn't feeling well. BIL (who is a Brit) hates the heat, SIL didn't want to leave the mrs alone. I put some serious miles driving around, what an amazing place. I was headed home when I slowed for some slow elk (a cow) that was crossing a washout I had to get though. I looked over and standing next to a cactus was a MILF...buck nekkid. What I thought were albino cactii where h00ters. (like winfred's gif).

Joshua Tree is pretty neat if you ever get up there. I hiked to the top of Keys View...better bring your water for that one. Sucked a gallon up. Not hot, so damn dry that I didn't stink after that speed hike (had a day solo while working in LA).

A little heat never hurt anyone. I was on Ocracoke Island (Outer Banks of NC) one summer...it was 97 in the shade, had to be 104 in the sun. No one on the beach except me surfing in waist high glass. I've never been so hot in all my life. Tent had no shade, the J20 had no a/c. Miserable. At least the beer was cold and the steaks perfect.

Brian C.
05-29-2004, 07:17 PM
Maybe you need to come further south, down here to the land of sin and debauchery. Nothing like our balmy ocean breezes. :p Don't you get a nice cooling effect from Lake Alice or the sewage treatment plant?? :p

I spent two summers in G'ville and I thought it was the hottest place on the planet. BTW....it was 91 here today.

Brian C.

05-29-2004, 07:23 PM
Columbia SC is the hottest place on the planet. If you want a breeze you have to make one yourself, it's one of those places where the old 255 AC (2 windows down, 55mph) doesn't even work. :P

05-29-2004, 07:32 PM
No , No, No Guys this is a beemer forum, I can get weather report from the met office. Be kind and give me a some suggestions on my grinding steering,

George M
05-29-2004, 08:20 PM
91 ain't bad.

05-29-2004, 08:45 PM
Unless your steering is grinding. :D

Brian C.
05-29-2004, 08:49 PM
91 ain't bad.

05-29-2004, 09:24 PM
115 i wish, i've seen 160-170 from the thermometer i keep in the center vent of my black on black tinted window 90 325ism/solar oven here in baton rouge loserana. ps the obc only goes up to 122 for outside

I live in the south where the sun can make the inside of my car go up to 115 (ive actually measured that).

05-29-2004, 09:27 PM
oh i love that mid afternoon steam bath, if it's gonna rain please do it for more then 5 ****ing minutes and actually cool the ground

....wait 'til it starts to rain everyday....